Chapter 9- Blood, Lymphatic And Immune System Flashcards
Specialty focusing on diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to blood and blood-forming organs
Specialty in hematology
Specialty focusing on immune- and lymphatic-related diseases and disorders
Specialist in immunology
What separates systems that work together?
Blood, lymphatic and immune
Two components of the blood?
Plasma and liquid
What are formed elements of the blood?
WBCs, RBCs, and platelets
The remains of anything broken down or destroyed: ruins, rubble.
A clear, yellowish fluid containing white blood cells in a liquid similar to plasma. The fluid comes from the tissues of the body and is moved thru the lymphatic vessels and the bloodstream.
This location separating the right and left thoracic cavities
The production of exact copies of a complex molecule, such as DNA.
A substance or structure that can be passed through, especially by liquids or gases.
The first milk secreted by mammals after giving birth. contains more protein and is rich in antibodies, also called foremilk.
Sign & Symptoms:
Flu like symptom’s
Swollen lymph node, especially in the neck
Muscle pain, fever, sore throat, headache, diarrhea, mouth sores
When people are first infected with aids , they may be no symptoms
Medications such as corticosteroids and Immune suppressant medications and physical therapy
Lymphoma: Hodgkins & Non-Hodgkins:
Sign & Symptoms:
Weight loss, fever, night sweats, chills, chills, chest pain, itchy skin, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, cough fatigue, swelling of neck, axilla, groin lymph nodes.
A usually chronic recurrent such disease
too little thyroid hormone is produced
Celiac Disease:
A digestive & autoimmune disorder
Multiple Sclerosis:
Neurodegenerative disorder that affects
Muscle weakness in the chest, back, neck and hips
(Most common in women)
Sutures of the palm/sole are to stay in for how long?
14 to 21 days
Pyrexia means:
10- 12 pints of blood
The average human body holds __ to ___ pints of blood.
How many times the heart pumps the blood through the circulatory system?
More than 1,000 times each day
How many cells are present in the circulating blood?
More than 25 trillion cells
How many RBC’s get replaced every second?
8 million blood cells are formed every second
More than ___ miles of passageways carry blood throughout the body.
The blood is present in a closed system of
Vessels, consisting of arteries, veins, and capillaries
Yellow liquid, 55% of the blood by volume:
Formed cellular elements:
Erythrocyte, Leukocyte, and Thrombocytes
(The remaining 45% volume of blood)
Where do blood tests occur routinely?
Hematology, Immunohematology (blood banking), chemistry, and immunology (serology), departs of the laboratory
Arteries carry blood from?
The heart
Veins carry blood back towards the __
Erythrocytes contain:
Hemoglobin, which is a carrier of oxygen
Leukocytes consist:
Granular and non granular cells that are responsible for fighting infections and diseases
T cells and B cells provide:
Thrombocytes play a role in?
Clot formation at the time of an injury, collecting at the injury site, and forming a clot to prevent bleeding
Special proteins that speed up a chemical reaction in the body
Plasma is made up of
Water (90%), Plasma proteins, inorganic substance and electrolytes, organic substances, waste products
PH 7.35 to 7.45
Is the control of the flow of blood
What is the common name for thrombocytes?
Where are thrombocytes formed?
In the bone marrow from the stem cells which are differentiated cells that can become specialized
Small piece of megakaryocyte
Aid in coagulation (Agglutination)
Maintain hemostasis
Leukocytes: (WBC’s)
Provide protection from pathogens
Neutrophils, Eosinophils and Basophils
What is the most abundant leukocyte and what do they do?
Neutrophils and the most abundant leukocyte. They are phagocytic, meaning they engulf and destroy foreign substances. They clean up infection sites and aid in healing .
- Phil
Have no distinct granules in their cytoplasm
Erythrocytes: RBC’s
- transport O2 and CO2 via hemoglobin
- formed in red blood marrow (production stimulated by erythropoietin)
- break down into iron and bilirubin
(breaks down into bile)
What does blood carry away from the cells?
Urea, and Carbon Dioxide
A waste product that is carried away from the cells
Carbon dioxide:
A waste product that is carried away from the cells
What is the primary functions in the blood?
Maintain body temp
Keep other body fluids at a state of PH balance
Carry hormones from the secreting glands to the tissues