Chapter 9: Attidutes, Emotions and Work Flashcards
Job satisfaction
Positive attiude or emoitonal state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or experience.
The Hawthome effect
A change in behavior or attiude that was the simple result of increased attention.
Importance of social relations at work;
- Relation with supervisor, colleagues.
- The need for status, appreciation, self-determination.
- Workers’ attitudes and emotions.
Attitude is a stable feeling or belief that are directed toward specific persons, groups or objects.
Causes and consequences of Job satisfaction
Job satisfaction depends on the antecedents, the correlates arise simultaneously when the job is satisfying and consequences come from high job satisfaction.
Overall satisfaction
Is overall assessment of job satisfaction that results from mathematically combining scores.
Facet satisfaction
Facet level
The level of satisfaction on several aspects of the job but separated. So not an overall measurement but parts of the job are measured for satisfaction.
The issues among “job satisfaction”
- Direction of relationship satisfaction - performance.
- Time course and emotional experience.
- Low correlation satisfaction - behaviors.
Job Descriptive Index (JDI)
Assesses satsifaction with five distinct areas; the work itself, supervision, people, pay, and promotion.
Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire (MSQ)
A commonly used job satisfaction instrument that assesses particular aspects of work as well as scores for extrinsic satisfaction and intrinsic satisfaction.
Extrinsic satisfaction
Satisfaction that derives from apsects extrinsic, or external, to job task, such as pay or benefits.
Intrinsic satisfaction
Satisfaction that derives from aspects central, or intrinsic, to the job itself, such as responsibility.
Affective commitment
An emotional attachment to an organization.
Continuance commitment
Is the perceived cost of leaving an organization
Normative commitment
An obligation to remain in an organization
Occupational commitment
Commitment ot a particular occupational field, includes affective, continuance and normative commitment.
Job embeddedness
The many and varied types of commitment that individuals feel towards co-workers, teams, organization
Organizational identification (OID)
The process whereby individuals derive a feeling of pride and esteem from their association with an organization.
Employement engagement
Positive work-related state of mind that includes high levels of energy, enthusiasm and identification with work.
A generalized state of feeling not identified with particular stimulus and not sufficiently intense so interrupt ongoing thought processes.
An effect or feeling, often experience an displayed in reaction to an event or thought and accompained by physiological changes in various systems of the body and can interrupt ongoing thought processes.
Difference between emotion vs mood
- An emotion - connected to a specific event
- An emotion - interups ongoing thought processes
- Emotions - specific
Affect circumplex
A figure in which opposite emoitons appear directly across from each other in the circle.
Process emotion
Is an reaction that results form consideration of the tasks one is currently doing.
Prospective emotion
A reaction that results from consideration of the tasks one is currenlty doing.
Retrospective emotion
A reaction that results from a consideration of the task one has already completed.
Negative affectivity (NA)
Disposition wherein individuals are prone to experience a diverse array of negative mood states.
Positive Affectivity (PA)
A disposition in which individuals are prone to describe themselves as happy.
Work emotions
Pekrun & Frese, 1992
- Time: Process-Prospective-Retrospective.
- Domain: Task-related-Social
- Positive-Negative
Emotions can come from:
- Extenral events
- Dispositions; Negative affectivity, Positive affectivity
- Core Self-evaluations; Self-esteem, Self-efficacy, Locus of control, Low neuroticism
Core self evaluations and job satisfaction;
- Self-esteem
- Self-efficacy
- Locus of control
- Neuroticism —
- Perception of work characteristics
- Job satisfaction
- Life satisfaction
Why mode and emotions are important at work?
- Flow, flexibility, and creativity.
- Percpetion of job characteristics
Organizational Commitment & Organizational Identification
Commitment: attitude + emotion
- affective
- continuance
- normative
- occupational
Identification: emotion
Work engagement
Positve, work-related state of mind.
- Vigor
- Dedication
- Absorption
Related to increased task and/or contextual performance.
How can we thrive at work?
- Positive emotions
- Positive self-image
- Commitment
- Engagement
Withdrawal behaviors
Absenteeism, turnover, tardiness and retirement can lead to withdrawal.
Work withdrawal
An action that represent an attempt by the individual to withdraw form work but maintain ties to the organization and the work role (absenteeism).
Job withdrawal
An action that represent an individual willingness to sever (verbreken) ties to an organization and the work role.
Job withdrawal
An action tha repesent an inidivudals willigness to sever (verbreken) ties to an organization and the work (quitting, retirement).