Chapter 4: Understanding Performance Flashcards
Are actions and behaviors relevant to the organizations goals, measured in terms of each individuals proficiency (bekwaamdheid).
A definition of work performance
Actions or behaviors relevant to the organization’s goals; measured in terms of each individual’s proficiency.
Evaluation of output (result).
Is the ratio of effectiveness to the cost of achieving that level of effectiveness. A profit margin is a index of productivity.
Behavior vs result discussion. Resuls are often influenced by environment.
Campbell’s Determinatns of Job Performance
Is a model of job performance, based on;
-Declarative Knowledge (DK).
- Procedural Knowledge and skills (PKS).
- Motivation.
DK, PKS AND M are determinatns of performance. Cambell’s research identified eight basic performance components.
Eight basic performance components
- Job-specific task proficiency: an individual’s capability to perform the core substantive or technical tasks central to the job.
- Non-job-specific task proficiency: An individual’s capacity to perfomr tasks or exacute performance behaviors that are not specific to his or her particular job.
- ** Written and oral communication task proficienc**y: An individual’s proficiency in writing and speaking, independen of the correctness of the subject matter.
- Demonstrating effort: The consistency of an individual’s effort; the frequency with which people will expend extra effort when required; the willigness to keep working under adverse conditions.
Maintaining personal discipline: The extent to which an individual avoids negative behavior suchs as execessive absenteeism, alcohol or substance abuse, and law or rules infractions.
**- Facilitating peer and team performance. - Supervision/leadership.
- Management/administration.**
Declarative knowledge (DK)
The knowledge about facts and things; and understanding of a given task’s requirements;
- Facts
- principles
- goals
- self-knowledge
Procedural knowledge and skills (PKS)
Knowing how to do things;
- Cognitive skill
- Psychomomtor skill
- Physical skill
- Self-management skill
- Interpoersonal skill
Choices which indivudlas make;
- Choice to perform
- Level of effort
- Persistence of effort
- The conditions responsible for variations in intensity, persistence, quality and direction of ongoing behavior.
Criterion deficiency
Is a situation that occurs when a actual criterion is missing information that is part of the behaviro one is thrying to measure.
Cirterion contamination
A situation that occurs when an actual criterion includes information unrelated to the behavior one is trying to measure.
Measuring of (multidimensional) work performance
If all aspects of a performance are measured in an ideal world than this is called ultimate criterion (theoretical criterion), but since we can never measure all apsects we settle for an actual criterion (an actual measurement).
Task performance
Behavior related to formal job description.
Contextual performance
Going beyond what is expected (prosocial behavior);
- Regarding others
- Regarding organization as a whole
- Not a part of the job description
What are aspect of contextual performance?
- Personal support (providing support to others), helping and motivating others, cooperating with others.
- Organizational support (supporting the organization), defending and promoting the organization, acting according to organizaitonal rules and procedures, endorsing the mission and goals of the organization.
- Conscientious initiative (taking initiative, presisting with effort despire difficult cirucmstances, taking the initiative in performing tasks that are not officially part of one’s job description.
- Seizing opportunities to develop (e.g. in one’s own time).
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)
Is behavior that goes beyond what is expected. OCB influenced by organizaitonal factors (politics, autonomy, climate, etc.). OCB can be harmful (example, own initiative in work environment with strict procedures).
There is a correlation between conscientiousness and OCB.
Two types of OCB
- Altruism; Helful behaviors directed towards individuals or gorups within the organization such as offering to help a co-worker who is up against a deadline.
- Generalized complaince: Behavior that is helpful to the broader organziation such as upholding compnay rules.
Counterproductive work behavior
deviant behavior
Voluntary behavior that violets significant organizaitonal norms and threatens the well-being of the organizaiton, its members, or both.
CWB model
- Interpersonal deviance
- Organizational deviance, devided in property deviance and production deviance.
What are possible causes of CWB?
- Personality traits.
- Perception of unfair treatment
- Dissatisfaction with work
What are suggestions for solutions to CWB?
- Prompt and fair applicaiton of punishments.
- Exposing to colleagues that are not engage in counterproductive behavior.
- Training in social and communicative skills.
- Improving mood with humor, empathy.
SOD model
other model of CWB
- Behavior done for self-gain.
- Behavior done for organizaitonal gain.
- Behavior that is **destructive **
Expert Performance
Performance delivered by people that have at least 10 years of training, at least 4 hours a day, deliberate practice.
Adaptive performance component
Includes flexibility, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. The eight areas are;
1. Handeling emergencies or crisis situations.
2. Handling work stress.
3. Solving problems creatively.
4. Dealing with uncertan and unpredictable work situations.
5. Learning work tasks, technologies and procedures.
6. Demonstrating interpersonal adaptability.
7. Demonstrating cultural adaptability.
8. Demonstrating physically oreinted adaptability.
Job analysis
Process that determines the important tasks of a job and the human attributes necessary to sucessfully perform those tasks.
The results of a job analysis can be used for;
- Job description.
- Recruiting
- Training
- Selection
- Compensation
- Promotion/Job assignment
- Work design.
Two approaches to job analysis;
- Task-oriented analysis; an apporach that begins with a statement of the actual tasks as well as what is accomplshed by those tasks.
- Worker-oreinted job analysis; An apporach that focuses on the attributes of the worker necessary to accomplish the tasks.
To determine KSAO’s;
- Knowledge
- Skills
- Ability
- Other characterisitcs (personality, interest, traning, experience).