Chapter 9 Flashcards
Getting in
Before getting in, look behind the car to see if reverse is possible
-then walk around to the front of the car to the door (give you a good idea of the traffic and also any possible obstacles in front of the car
Getting out
Look out mirror and over shoulder
Driving away: Matter requiring attention
Give way to other road users Observe: -available space -view -weather conditions -amount of traffic -traffic from behind -oncoming traffic -speed of approaching drivers
- ahead of you
- then on inside mirror
- then to left
When parked on left driving away is more difficult
Signal just before your car starts to move
-signalling too soon leads to confusion (may think signal has been left on or that you will pull away just as they are approaching)
-Keep watch of driver ahead of you, in case he slows down/stops etc
Driving away outside the built up area
You will immediately be joining the fast moving traffic, so, make sure you do not force other to brake or swerve when you drive off
-When driving away from hard shoulder, accelerate on the hard shoulder until you are able to join the traffic on the through road at a safe speed
Pulling over to the left
proceed as follows:
- take up a position just left of the middle of the road (on roads where you would expect oncoming traffic)
- Entirely to the left of the road (on one way roads without oncoming traffic).
- Entirely to the left on one way traffic roads where you may expect oncoming cyclists/moped riders just left of the middle of the road
- Entirely to the left of the carriageway if the road is a dual carriageway
Pulling over to the right
Proceed as follows
- against the kerb or the white side line of the road
- if there is a bicycle lane or bus lane with solid line ot the right of the road, against this line
- if the bicycle lane is marked with a broken line, you are allowed to use it as long as you do not obstruct or endanger any cyclists or moped riders
Right turns and left turn lanes
Often are found on wide roads near large crossroads
- arrows on these lanes tell you which lane to choose if you want to drive straight on or turn left or right
- Once lane is chosen, follow the direction indicated. You may not change lanes before or on crossroads
Turning right: steps
- Look
- Signal
- Move right
- Give right of way
- Take the bend to the right sharply
Turning right: look
- well before intend to turn, look whether your turn will endanger others.
1. look in your inside mirror
2. look on the right outside mirror
3. over your right shoulder
4. Pay attention to road ahead
Turning right: signal
-only when you are sure that you can safely change direction
Turning right: move right
move in one movement (do not obstruct cyclists or riders of non-assisted bicycles when doing so)
Turning right: give right of way
If want to turn right and there is through traffic on the same road, give them the right of way
-special attention to cyclists, riders of motor assisted bicycles and moped riders on a cycle lane or track and to pedestrians
Turning right: take bend sharply
- End up on the right side of the road when you turn
- Careful with speed
Turning right into a single carriageway
Be aware:
- drivers both from right and left may approach quickly
- may collide head on with overtaking driver
- trees may often completely block your view to the left and right
- not always be given right of way
Turning left: steps
- look
- signal
- move to the left
- give right of way
- take ben to the left widely
turning left: Look
Well before you get to the point you wish to turn into and whether your moving will endanger others
- inside mirror
- left outside mirror
- over shoulder
- ahead of you
Turning left: signal
Only when sure you can move signal
Turning left: Move to the left
-one flowing movement
Turning left: give right of way
If want to turn left, and there is through traffic on same road, give them right of way, including cyclists, motor-assisted bicyclists, moped riders, pedestrians
Turning left: Take the bend to the left widely
Must take bend to the left so wide that you end up on the right hand side of the road you turn into
- Don’t cut off the bend to the left
- if you want to turn left, look out for traffic approaching from behind
- before you pull over to the left immediately look before you turn
-yield to oncoming traffic
Oncoming vehicles also turns left
If you and an oncoming vehicle are both turning left, pass in front of each other unless:
- the oncoming vehicle is already clearly in a position to turn left
- markings on the road indicate otherwise
- there is a wide median