chapter 9 Flashcards
polymers of amino acids attached end to end
amino acids are determined by…
R group
peptide bonds
connect amino acids between carboxyl end of one and amino group of the next, releasing H2O as byproduct
amino acid directionality
first in chain has amino end sticking out and last one has carboxyl end
linear sequence of amino acids in polypeptide
3D hydrogen bonds between polypeptide backbone’s amino and carboxyl groups
folding secondary into the final 3D polypeptide (beta polypeptide)
several tertiarys or subunits packed into a complex (hemoglobin is two alpha and two beta chains)
two common types of secondary structure
alpha helix and beta pleated sheet
amino acid side chains determine…
folding and provide functionality to interaction surfaces and active sites of enzymes
3 nucleotide sequence that encodes for amino acid
nonoverlapping meaning
mutation of single base results in only one amino acid change
main discovery by Crick and Brenner (1961) (hint: confirmed…)
confirm codons are by threes
how did crick and brenner (1961) check how many codons there are
used rll locus of T4 Phage to induce insertions and deletions, they checked the phenotypes of the rll mutants to see affects
Rll mutants can’t grow on…
e.coli strain K
can be true revertant or suppressor (i.e it can grow on e.coli stain K when it shouldn’t)
second mutation that counteracts the effects of the first mutation
true revertant
second mutation restores WT (insertion then deleted or vice versa)
suppressor V.S true revertant
if 2nd mutation doesn’t restore wild type –> suppressor
if 2nd mutation restores wild type –> true revertant
two mutants can be separated with…
results of crick and brenner (1961) (there are 3)
- deletion and insertion can repress eachother
- same sign can’t repress each other but triple same side can allow WT
- mRNA read continously and unidirectionally by three nucleotides at a time
crick and brenner (1961) mRNA discovery
read CONTINUOUSLY and UNIDIRECTIONALLY by 3 nucleotides at a time
streisinger experiment
used proflavine to encode lysozome (protein with known sequence) to confirm reading frame
frameshift mutations
alter 3 nucleotide frame via insert or delete
genetic code is redundant, some amino acids are specified by more than one codon
degeneracy’s affect on frameshift mutations (2)
- frameshift doesn’t cause immediate termination
- frameshift suppressors arise frequently
nirenberg and mithai
synthesized RNA from scratch without DNA using enzyme (polynucleotide phosphorylase) and random nucleotides (ribonucleotides: ATP, CTP, GTP, TTP)
why couldn’t nirenberg and mithai use RNA polymerase?
because it requires a template