Chapter 9 Flashcards
What are all the glands in the endocrine system?
Pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroids, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, and testes.
Chemical messengers that have specific regulatory effects on certain target cells
Where do hormones travel through?
Blood stream
What tissues do hormones affect?
Growth, thyroid, and insulin
Cells must have what for a hormone to attach to in order for an effect to be seen?
Target cells are what?
Cells with receptors for that hormone
What are Steroids?
Produced in the adrenal cortex and sex glands
Ex: testosterone
What are non steroids?
Proteins or related compounds, include all hormones except steroids.
Ex: insulin
Steroid hormones are …
Lipid based, Can cross the cell membrane.
Non steroid hormones..
CANNOT enter cell since they are acid based.
Negative feedback
The most common form of feedback
Endocrine gland over secretes hormone
Tissue becomes too active
Activity causes gland to decrease secretion
Positive feedback
Hormone response produces more hormone
ex: labor contractions promoted by oxytocin
Rhythmic pattern
Monthly pattern: hormones regulating female reproduction
Daily cycle: hormones from adrenal cortex regulate sleep patterns
Promoted growth of all the body tissues
Growth hormone or somatotropin
Stimulates milk production by mammary glands
Thyroid stimulating hormone
Stimulates thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone
What stimulates adrenal cortex to produce hormones?
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Follicle stimulating hormones in females
Stimulated green of ovary follicles, to release estrogen
Follicle stimulating hormone for males
Stimulate growth of testes and production of sperm
Luteinizing hormone
Females: causes ovulation
Males: stimulates testosterone secretion in males
Pineal glad produces what?
Melatonin helps what?
Regulate mood
Sleep wake cycle
Regulates sexual development
The pituitary gland is located where
In cranium
Master gland
Releases hormones that affect working of other glands
Pituitary gland is CONTROLLED by
Antidiuretic hormone
Promotes reabsorption of water in kidney
At high concentration it stimulates the constriction of blood vessels- raise blood vessels
Causes contraction in the uterine muscles for labor
Causes ejection of milk from mammary glands
Lowers calcium in blood
Promotes storage of excess calcium in bone
Done by osteoblasts
Adrenal glands
Two small glands on top of kidneys. Each flas has two parts that act separately
Adrenaline hormone (fight or flight)
Prepares body for emergency
Raises level of nutrients in the blood.
Ex: glucose and amino acids
Promotes sodium retention in kidneys.
Regulate electrolyte valence
Increase blood volume and pressure
Contributes to growth before puberty
Androgens at puberty
Stimulate growth of auxiliary and pubic hair
Androgens after puberty in females
Play important role in sex drive
Converted into estrogen
Thymus gland
Mass of lymphoid tissue on upper chest superior to heart
Important in development of immunity
Lowers blood sugar level
Promotes liver to take up glucose and make glycogen
Increase blood sugar level
Liver makes glucose from protein
Exocrine glands make?
Digestive enzymes
Endocrine glands are?
Pancreatic islets, specialized pancreas cells that secrete hormones
Glucagon is released when
Blood glucose is low
Insulin is released when
Blood glucose is too high
Abnormally low blood glucose levels
Abnormally high blood glucose levels
Diabetes mellitus
Disease of sugar retention
Formation of male productive organs
Stimulated growth of sex organs
Helps regulate female reproductive cycle
Fertilization, implantation, and growth of fetus
Thyroid hormones
Treat hypothyroid comditions
Androgens treat?
Used in tissue building
Adrenal steroids treat?
Used for relief of inflammation such as asthma or arthritis
Epinephrine helps with?
Heart muscle
Asthmatic attacks
Acute allergic reactions