Chapter 9 & 11 (US history) Flashcards
Panic of 1837
economic crisis which arose from excess speculation in land, widely available credit, cheap land prices and absence of monetary regulation
know-nothing party
political party which emerged in the 1820s and promoted white, Protestant, non-immigrant American candidates and policies
Eaton (Petticoat) Affair
ongoing conflict which demonstrated the power of Washington society to influence political decisions in the US
Bank War (1832-1833)
ongoing conflict led by President Jackson to dismantle the 2BUS; led to destabilization of the US economy
political party led by Andrew Jackson; promoted states’ sovereignty, territorial expansion and limited federal involvement
Missouri Compromise (1820)
agreement by which slavery was limited to the southern portion of the Louisiana Purchase lands
Specie Circular (1836)
federal policy which required that all de3bts owed to the US government be paid in gold
Tallmadge Amendment
proposed legislation which would admit Missouri as a state but which prohibited bringing in more slaves and providing for eventual freedom for children of slaves
political practice of passing legislation which would favor one region of the nation over another
Nullification Crisis (1832)
ongoing event in which South Carolina refused to comply with federal legislation and threatened secession
Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)
treaty between the US and Spain that ceded Florida to the US and defined the border between the US and Mexico
John C. Calhoun
senator of South Carolina who advocated for states’ rights, limited government, and nullification
corrupt bargain
Henry Clay advocated for J. Q. Adams for president, who then chose him as Secretary of State
Force Act (1833)
gave the president (Jackson) authority to use the military to enforce the tariff
policy of protecting those who were born in the US over immigrants