Chapter 8 Weapon of Choice C Flashcards
She found Jace in Luke’s _____ office
her favorite was a _______ of the Indian goddess of destruction, Kali, _________ a sword and a severed head as she danced with her head thrown back and her eyes __________
statuette; brandishing; slitted closed
A handful of clothes ______ of the untied end of Luke’s duffel bag, as if they had been an afterthought
spilled out
The crack _____ a network of spidery lines across the smiling faces of Clary, Luke, and her mother
Jace crossed the room in a few strides, peered through the door, and _______ under his breath
spat a curse
The sound of footsteps in the hallway was audible now, _____ pangs of fear _____ her chest
striking into
The sound of foots in the hallway was audible now, striking ____________ into her chest
pangs of fear
Clary dropped he fractured photo on the desk and ______ behind the screen
Luke, ragged-looking and slightly _______, his glasses pushed up to the top of his head
with an impatient ______ of the wrist, Jace tapped the frame of his window, and it oened out wider
One was thin, with an elegant gray mustache and __________
pointed beard
The other was ______, thickset as a wrestler, with close-cropped reddish hair
The other was burly, ______________ as a wrestler, with closed-cropped reddish hair
The other was burly, thickset as a wrestler, with ___________ reddish hair
The big redheaded man, who ha picked up the statue of Kali from the top of the bookcase, ran his ______ fingers over it consideringly
ARe they from the uprising?
Pangborn chucked softly. ________ of battle
Pangborn _________ the edge of his robe
If you want know where to find a _________ in springtime, I could direct you to the correct reference title
jog-toed swallow
Two shadowhunters, exiled from their own kind, you can see why we might have _____ together
Luke ____ his eyebrows
What makes you think she’s still alive? I thought Valentine sent Raeners to ____ The place
I hate VAletine, he added, but I respect him. I know he’ll ______ everyone in his path
mow down
suddenly he was no longer the kind, scholarly man who’d push Clary ________ at the park and taught her how to ride a tricyle
on the swings
Suddenly there was something ______ behind his eyes, something vivious and cold
Clary stayed where she was, frozen, hearing the front door swing shut and the distant ____ of chain and keys as Luke refastened the padlok
Of course she isn’t. I was Jace, his voice sharp and cold as _____________
ice shards
He fixed her with eyes as _____ as smoked glass