Chapter 8 Weapon of Choice B Flashcards
Simon said, __________ the blood on his cheek with the sleeve of his T-shirt
scrubbing at
His tone was ______ as sharply as one of Jace’s knives
The last light of sunset ________________ from his eyes
struck gold sparks
My oath to the covenant ____ me, no such oath ___ you
\he had a stronger practical ______ than almost anyone else she knew
Simon nodded enthusiastically enough to make the dark curls ____ on his forehead
Totally, it’s like _______ and dragons, but real
He’s probably never met a six-foot-tall hot elf-woman in a ___ bikini either. Clary siad irritably. ______, Simon
fur; lay off
Clary worried for a moment that Jace might ______ the porch and _________ Simon senseless
lunge across the porch; throttle
It opened, triggering the porch light, which __________ the entryway
The door that led into the bookstore was closed; Clary ___ the knob
Allow me, mundanes, said Jace, ____ her gently aside
He took his stele out of his pocket and _________
put it to the door
He ____ between two narrow stacks of boxes, and whistled
Light _______, bthing the room in a brilliant glow
flared up
light flared up, ____ the room in a brillian glow
Clary was already _______ the boxes, pushing a way to Jace
clambering through
He was standing behind a ________ of mysteries
teetering pile
At first she thought he was pointing at what looked like a pair of ornamental ____________
He reached up to run his hand along the inside of one of the metal loops. When he lowered it, his fingers were _____ with red-brown powder
He pointed to the wall right around where the chains were sunk in; the ______ seemed to bulge outward
The plaster seemed to ________
buldge outward
Clary remembred ________________ the entirety of the Chronicles of Prydain here
plowing through
I think he’s still around, called Simon, standing in the doorway of Luke’s small kitchenette. The _______ on and there’s coffe here
Clary peered around the kitchen door. Dishes were _____ in the sink
It looked the same as ever, the bed with its gray ______ and flat pillows unmade
They’d setay up late watching old hoorror movies on the __________ black and white TV
She een kept a backpack full of etra things here so she didn’t have to ____ her stuff back and forth from home
She tugged it out from under the bed ____ its olive green strap
quickly she hanged, ______ I|sabelle’s too-big and now grass-stained an dsweaty clothes, and pulling on a pair of her own _______________, soft as worn paper, and a blue tank top with a design of Chinese characters across the front
stripping off; sandblasted cords
the pack _____ familiarly between her ________
bouncing; shoulder blades