Chapter 1 Pandemonium B Flashcards
The blue-haired boy was ___________________ the dance floor
making his way off
Oh, well, clary thought, trying not to feel like a __________________
deflated party balloon
Sion hated _______ music.
It wasn’t anything Clary hadn’t seen before, a couple ____________________ the dark corners of the club to ____________
sneaking off to; make out
The girl ____ her an evil look
Simon was still tring to ______ his way across the dance floor
What faint light there was in the storage room ____________________ high barred windows smeared with dirt
spilled down trhough
PIles of electrical cables, along with __________________________ and discarded paint cans, littered the floor
broken bits of mirrored disco balls
There was some sort of bracelet around her wrist, just under the __________ of her dress–then, as he neared her, he saw that it wasn’t a bracelet at all but a pattern ______________ her skin, a _______ of swirling lines
cuff; inked into; matrix
he didn’t finish. She moved with lightning swiftness, ________________________ him with her open hand, a blow to his chest that would have _________________________ if he’d been a human being
striking out at him; sent him down gasping
he ______, and now there was something in her hand, a coiling whip that __________ gold as she __________, _______________, _____________
staggered back; glinted; brought it down, curling around his ankles, jerking him off his feet
he hit the ground, _________, writhing, the hated metal biting deep into his skin
writhing /ˈrīT͟HiNG/ Learn to pronounce adjective making twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body. "a writhing heap of maggots"
isabelle ________ the whip, securing it
yanked hard on the whip
a boy, as young as Isabelle and just as pretty. His _______ eyes glittered like chips of amber
it was as if they had ______________________ between one bink of her eyes and the next
sprung into existence
The fair boy was standing with his hands in his pockets, facing the _______________, who was tied to a pillar with what looked like piano wire
punk kid
his face was _________ with pain and fear
pulled tight
punk. A punk is a young troublemaker. If your elderly neighbor thinks of you as a young punk, he either thinks all kids are bad — or you did something that really disturbed him. The Algonquin word for dust or ashes, ponk is the most likely root of punk, which originally described rotten wood used to start fires.
clary ducked behind the nearest concerete pillar and ________________________
peered around it
she watched as the fiar-haired boy paced back and forth, his arms now __________________
crossed over his chest
Clary woundered what he was talking about. Maybe she’d stumbled into some kind of ___________
gang war
the blue haried boy’s tone was pained but _______
sur·ly /ˈsərlē/ Learn to pronounce adjective bad-tempered and unfriendly. "he left with a surly expression"
demons, __________ the blond boy, tracing the word on the air with his finger
drawl /drôl/ Learn to pronounce verb speak in a slow, lazy way with prolonged vowel sounds. "“Suits me fine,” he drawled"
demons, drawled the blond boy, _____ the word _____ the air with his finger.
tracing on
demons, drawled the blond boy, tracing the word on the air with his finger. Religiously defined as hell’s _____________, the servants of Satan, but understood here, for the purpose of the Clave, to be any malevolent spirit whose origin is outside our own home dimension
den·i·zen /ˈdenəzən/ Learn to pronounce noun FORMAL•HUMOROUS an inhabitant or occupant of a particular place. "denizens of field and forest"
Jace raised his hand, and Clary saw dim light ____________ the knife he was holding
spark off
It was oddly ____________, the blade clear as crystal, sharp as __________________; the _____ set with red stones
translucent; a shard of glass; hilt
The bound boy gasped. VAlentine is back! he protested, dragging at the _____ that held his hands behind his back
Rage _____ suddenly in Jace’s icy eyes
that’s true, admitted jace, _____ the knife between his fingers
He pointed at the boy with blue hair, whose eyes were ____________
at that moment the blue-haired boy, with a high, ___________________, tore free of the restraints binding him to the pillar, and _____ himself ___ Jace
yowling cry; flung; on
The _____ the gournd and _____ together
fell to; roll
Clary backed up, wan ting to run, but her feet ________ a loop of wiring and he went down
caught on
Blod ______ at the tips of his razorlike claws
Isabelle and Alec were running toward them, Isabelle _______ a whip in her hand
The blue-haired boy _______ Jace with claws extended
Swift as a _____ of Isabelle’s whip, Jace rolled over
He sank the knife into the blue-haired boy’s chest. Blackish liquid _______ around the hilt
The boy __________ the floor, gurgling and twisting
arched off
The boy arched off the floor, ___________________
gurgling and twisting
The hilt was ____ with black fluid
The blue-ahired boy’s eyes ________________ open
Jace seemed to ________. The boy’s eyes rolled back. His body began to ______ as he crumpled
Clary turned to run–and found her way blocked by Isabelle, _____________________
whip in hand
The gold length of it was stained with dark fluid. she _____ it toward Clary, and the end wrapped itself around her wrist and _____________
flicked; jerked tight
He’s crzy, Clary said, trying to pull he wrist back. The whip ____ deeper ____ her skin
bit deeper into
Jace drew his arm away. A ghoulish ________ of blood marked his face
The whip _____ away, freeing Clary’s arm
HAVE YOU HAD DEALINGS WITH DEMONS, LITTLE GIRL, walked with _________, talked with the night children
One of the ________ who’d been stamping hands at the front door was next to him
he grinned at her and _____ a half apologetic, half mocking shrug
standing at the curb, tried desperately to ________
hail a cab
Simon raised his hand over his head, but the oncoming taxis ___________________, spraying dirty water
she glanced down at her wrist, _______________ by a thin red line where Isabelle’s whip had curled
lay into
[lay into someone] to attack someone physically or with cruel words because you are angry with them
My parents really laid into me for being so late.
Synonyms and related words
to attack
[lay into someone] to attack someone physically or with cruel words because you are angry with them
My parents really laid into me for being so late.
Synonyms and related words