Chapter 11 Magnus Bane A Flashcards
She took a bite as Kaelie _______ ___ her high heels
wobbled off on
Two men in long coasts and tipped-forward ___ hats _________ in front of the narrow doorway
felt; slouched
Jace leaned forward and bang his hand against the ________ separating them from the cab driver
A page of the beverage section was devoted to the different types of blood they had ______
on tap
His skin was dark red, his _____ hands ending in blue-black nails
a battered neo sign proclaiming the restaurant’s name hung sideways and was ______________
It didn’t look like much–a low brick building that ______ in the middle like a collapsed ____________
sagged; souffle
Hey, let me out for a second.
_______, Alec moved aside
The waitress winked a blue ey at her and _____________
flounced off
Endearingly mismatched crockery lined the counter, behind which stood a blond girl in a waitress;s pink and white apron, nimbly counting out change to a ________ man in a flannel shirt
she said to Clary, who scooted so close to the wall that she could feel the cold bricks ______ her arm
pressing into
HIs hair was ______ and there was a lipstick mark on his cheek
He ___- toward the, eyes on Jace, ignoring Clary as usual
ishe settled ______ onto the booth seat opposite them, her arms still stiff despite Jace’s ___________________
gingery; ministrations
Shut up, Alec hissed, _____ Jace with his closed menu
He clicked off and shove the phone into one of his many pockets as they ________________
pulled up to a curb
Handing the driver a _______, Jace elbowed Clary out of the car
She _____ the perfectly ordinary menu selections with a feeling os ___________________
perused; stupefaction
It was pleasant inside, despite the lack of windows. Cozy wooden booths ______ against each other, each one lined with brightly colored cushions
nestled up