Chapter 10 City of Bones C (164- 171) Flashcards
Now the car looked like Cinderella’s _____, except instead of being pink and gold and blue like an Easter egg, it was black as ______
carriage; velvet
With a quick gesture he raised his hands an ______________ his face
drew the hood back from
She will have to come to the Bone City and ________ the Brotherhood
stand before
As if _____, a narrow black cr with tinted windows _________________ to the curb and paused in front of Jace, engine purring
on cue; rumbled up
and she realized tht what she had thought was a ______________ was a man
patch of darker shadow
A personal ______ to the Bone City is nothing to ____ your __________
escort; tunr your nose up at
Even his cloak, which should have _____, was silent
On the black metal drivr’s _______________ sat Brother Jeremiah, holding a set of ______ in his lgoved hands
The man came toward them, his heavy cloak ______ as he moved, and Clary realized what it was about him that was strange
It was long and _____ and low to the ground like a limousine
The street were deserted except for a garbage turck _______________ down the block
HIs face was hidden beneath the _____ of his parchment-colored robe
The smell of blood and ink was ______. Clary felt a wae of panic
Look at her hands. Jace gestured toward Clary, who ________ her fingers ____ to cover her injured palms
curled; in
No I am Jace, said Jace patiently. Simon is the _______ little one with the bad haircut and __________ fashion sense
weaselly; dismal
AS if on cue, a narrow black car with tinted windows runble up _____________ and paused in front of Jace, _______
to the curb; engine purring
And I imagine she didn’t trust the Clave to __________
hold on to it
The wheels were black, the leather ___________ all black
Clary became aware of the sharp pains in her hands, and glanced down to see red lines ______________ her skin where her nails had __________
scored across; dug in
ON the other end of the ____ were two horses, black as smoke, ________ and ______ the sky
reins; snarling; pawing at
He fell back in his seat-____ and ____________________–and looked over at her
plush and glossily upholstered
That’s enough. Jace’s voice cut through the winter chill, and the falling snow vanished, a shower of ________________. Clary’s eyes _________
white sparks; sprang open
The robe itself was the color of ________, and the intricate _____ designs along the _____ and sleeves looked as if they had been inked there in drying blood
parachment; runic; hem
She felt a pressure, a ___________ in her head and hands and fett. She clenched her hands, ________________ the weight, the blackness
drawing pull; straining against
In a flash she saw an icy street, gray buildings loomning overhead, an explosion of whiteness ______________ her face ________________
stinging; in freezing particles
They were standing ____ the corner outside the Insittute
The Brothers keep records on all members of the Clave, explained HOdge. ______________ records
Colors swirled up ______ the darkness behind her eyelids
In front of them a yellow cab switched lanes, _____________ their forward progress. Clary _____, worried about the horses
cutting off; tensed
A tall man in a heavy robe that _____ from neck to foot
When she blinked at him, she saw a _____ grin spread across his face.
Clary turned on him in some ___________. Look, I didn’t mean
The hood of the robe was _____, hiding his fac
Leaving the Institute was like climbing into a wet, hot canvas bag. Humid air ________ the city; turning the air to
pressed down on; grimy soup
His lips were ________ with a pattern of dark ines that resembled surgical stiches
their soundless progression unnotice by the snarl of taxis, buses, and SuVs that ____________
choked the avenue
I can’t help it. I use my ________ to hid my inner pain
rapier wit
The archivist’s head was bald, smooth and white as an egg, darkly _______ where his eyes had once been
She tried to picture her mother fleeing under cover of darkness, with a big gold cup ______ in the pocket of her _____, and failed
stashed; overalls
Sarcasm is the last refuge of the ______________________
imaginatively bankrupt
She could feel the power in htem, jumping like static electricity to ________ her skin
She felt as if she were ______________ something hard and unyielding, being slowly crushed
pressed up against
The crushing weight had gone, but she could feel the sweat that ________ her hair, _____ her shirt to her back like sticky tape
drenched; pasted
It seems to me, Clary said with _______ to her voice; that no one the Clave thinks is dead is ever actually dead
an edge
Brother Jeremiah nodded _____, and moved toward her with the soundlessness that sent chills up her spine