Chapter 11 B Magnus Bane (197 - 205) Flashcards
Something folded slid out from between the pages and fluttered to the floor at her feet. She bent to retrieve it , smoothing it open ______________
She could see the afterimage of lamplight reflected against her inner lids, like tiny ______________
It wwould ______ him with beak and talons when he came near
slash at
She set the sketchbook down on the night table, and lay down, ________ ____ the pillow
curling sideways on
He touched the photograph with a scarred and weathered hand–a strange contrast to the net spotless-ness of his ______________
tweed cuffs
he more ___________ families, especially cling to the old times, when Downworlders were for killing
It would slash at him with beak and _____ when he came near
____ a murdously rage, she refused on the grounds of exahustion
Afternoon light _____ the parted curtains; laying ____ of gold across the floor
slanted in through; bars
The question seemed to ____ him, like a pin popping a balloon
He had the big shoulders and _____ wrists of someone who hadn’t grown into his height yet
He paused to reach out a hand and stroke Hugo, who was __________ the edge of the desk importantly
strutting along
The caffeine in her veins ____ like carbonated water
The potion Hodge gave he rsmelled pleasantly of _____________ and leaves
he indicated a very handsome boy with curling dark hair, ________ his square-jawed face
high color in
She wasn’t like most single mothers, who _____ PTA meetings for likely-looking dads, or Simon’s mom, who was always checking her profile on jDate
Hugo gave a startled and unhappy ____ before settling back down on his perch
Alec muttered a ____ into his coffee. It rhymed with something tthat sounded a lot more like “ducking glass mole.” Clary smiled inwardly