Chapter 12 Dead Man's Party Flashcards
Clary squinted hard, but there was no way to tell if this was the street she’d seen at the Bone City–in her vision it had been nearly __________ with snow
______ the vampire gagged and clutched at this throat.
Magnus’s apartment was at the top of a long flight of ______ stairs
Keep up, said an irritable voice in her ear. It was Jace, who had ________ to walk beside her
dropped back
Magnus plucked the inviatation out of her her hand and looked at it with fastidious _________
The young man blocking htedoorway was astall and thin as a _____, his hair a crown of dense black spikes
He was covered with dozens of metal _____
A lilac-skinned woman in a metallic _____ was _______drinks along the bar in tall, harshly colored glasses that tinted the fluid inside them
bustier; ranging
Doors torn off their hinges and laid across dented metal garbage cans made a ______ bar at one end of the room
Isabelle was slinking in a circle around him, sinuous as a snake, ______ her fingers across his chest
Simon was doing what he usually did ____ of dancing, which was to bounce up and down ____________
in lieu; on the balls of his feet
They weren’t a guest of mine, and are therefore… He offered a ____ smile. Not my responsibility
when he dropped his hand, they hung there, hot and golden, making the painted lines of his eys and mouth ___ with reflected light
Isabelle was slinking in a circle around him, ______ as a snake, trailing her fingers across his chest
When he crossed his arms, his T-shirt rode up, showing a strip of flat golden stomach ___________ by a _____
unmarked; navel
She could just see them ————- of the packed square of bodies
on the edge of
his eyes were crusted with a _______ of charcoal glitter
raccoon mask
Magnus sighed, and at the touch of his breath, the fireletters ________ ___ glowing ash
sifted away to
She turned to see \magnus _________ one of the pillars
lounging against
he splayed the fingers of his hand, and the vampire turned as _____ as if someone had grabbed his shoulders and spun him around
To her right the spires of a church __________________ aginst the starless night sky
gleamed gray and black
He ____ a ring-laded hand through his spiked hair and regarded them thoghtfully
Oily-looking tubes and pipes slithered up and around them, —- as veins
Isabelle’s ______ boots were starting to hurt her feet
Simon was doing what he usually did _____ of dancing
in lieu
He plucked the stele out of \jace’s hand–Clary hadn’t even realized he was holding it–and held it up. Jace looked faintly __________
The rune tattoos on his palms stood out ____ and black
He ____ the fingers of his hand, and the vampire turned as smartly as if someone had grabbed his shoulders and spun him around
The vampire roared with rage, ____ his fingers toward Magnus
she saw what they were looking at: severa mortorcycles, sleek and silvery, with low-slung black _______
Under the skirt of her short green dress, her feet were ____ like a frog’s
She could just see them on the edge of the _______________
packed square of bodies
Clary hugged her arms around herself, her bracelets ______ together
The man ____ his teeth, showing long pointed _____
bared; canines
A group of young women so pale Clary wondered if they were weraring white ________ sipped scarlet liquid too thick to be wine from ____________
stage makeup; fluted crystal glasses
So is that why you wanted to ____ my party? Just to wreck some bloodsucker bikes
Magnus’s bedroom was a riot of color: _______ sheets and ______ draped over a mattress on the floor
canary-yellow; bedspread
The center of the room was packed with bodies dancing to the pounding beat that _______; though Clary couldn’t see a band anywhere
bounced off the walls
his hair a crown of ____________
dense black spikes
HIs eyes were ______ with a raccoon mask of _________
crusted; charcoal glitter
I hope so. Isabelle ______ past him in a swirl of skirts
He was __________ muscular, with a bald head shaved smooth and a pointed _____
compactly; goatee
Big metal pillars _____ colored lights held up an arched, ____ ceiling
wound with; sooty
There was a _____ sense of something organic about the bikes, like the bio-creatures in a Ginger painting
his hair a _____ of dense black spikes
I hope so. Isabelle flounced past him __________
in a swirl of skirts
Nice place, said Jace, drawing aside a heavy ____ of curtain