Chapter 8: The Skeletal System - The Appendicular skeleton Flashcards
The 126 bones of the appendicular skeleton are primarily concerned with?
As “appendages” to the central skeleton, what skeleton bones include those of the upper and lower limbs (including the girdles that attach them to the axial skeleton)?
appendicular skeleton bones
The bones of the shoulder (pectoral) girdle include the?
scapula and the clavicle
The triangular shaped scapula is also called the?
shoulder blade.
The clavicle is “S” shaped:
The medial end articulates with the manubrium of the sternum forming the?
sternoclavicular joint.
The lateral end articulates with the acromion forming the?
acromioclavicular joint.
Between the tubercles of the humerus lies the ____ ____ or sulcus(bicipital groove) where the long head of the biceps brachii tendon
intertubercular groove
The two bones of the forearm are the?
radius and ulna
The diaphysis (shaft) of the radius and ulna are connected by an?
interosseus membrane.
Proximally, the head of the radius articulates with the radial notch of the?
Distally, the head of the ulna articulates with the ulnar notch of the?
The wrist, or carpus, is made up of how many carpal bones arranged in two rows?
The palm of the hand has how many metacarpal bones?
The lower limb is directly anchored to the axial skeleton by a sacroiliac joint which links the pelvic bone to the?
Based on the position of its major joints and component bones, the lower limb is divided into the ____ ____ (the major bones forming the hip girdle), thigh, leg, and foot.
gluteal region
The gluteal region is between the iliac crest and the?
hip joint
Each coxal (hip) bone consists of 3 bones that fuse together. They are?
What is a line from the sacral promontory to the upper part of the pubic symphysis?
The pelvic brim
On the right and left sides, the os coxae are joined posteriorly to the sacrum, and anteriorly to one another at the ____ ____ (made of fibrocartilage).
pubic symphysis
What is the longest, heaviest, and strongest bone in the thigh, and in the entire body?
The femur
Proximally, the head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone forming the?
hip (coxal) joint.
The neck of the femur (distal to head) is a common site of what?
Distally, the medial and lateral femoral condyles articulate with the tibia to form the?
knee joint.
The femur also articulates with patella.
What is the largest and only named sesamoid bone in the body?
The patella (knee cap)
Of the two bones in the leg, the ____ (always medial) is the largest and bears all the weight.
Much like the forearm bones, the tibia and fibula are joined by an?
interosseous membrane.
The tibia and fibula articulate with the talus bone of the ankle to form the?
ankle “mortise”
The largest and strongest
tarsal bone, the
____, forms
the heel.
The skull, Hyoid, Auditory Ossicles, Vertebral Column, and the Thorax are found in the Axial or Appendicular Skeleton?
The Axial
The Appendicular skeleton contains what bone structures?
Pectoral (Shoulder) girdles, Upper Limbs, Pelvic (Hip girdles) and Lower limbs.
Found in the Axial Skeleton the Skull contains what to bone structures?
Cranium and Face
Found in the Axial Skeleton the thorax contains what two bone structures?
Sternum and Ribs
Found in Appendicular Skelton the Pectoral girdles contain what two bone structures?
Clavicle and Scapula