Chapter 8 - Sampling Flashcards
All case studies start with one. Either there failed most likely, or successful least likely.
Failed Most Likely
A phenomenon is expected to confirm theory but doesn’t.
Success least Likely
A phenomenon is expected to disconfirm theory but confirms it.
2 Types of Case Studies
Descriptive Case Study
Exploratory questions in absence of theory
The failed most likely
Successful least likely
When you break a phenomenon into a series of observations and then you form a narrative which explains how and why it happens.
Advantages of Small N Cases
Distinguishes common and unique traits amongst societies
Exam system-level traits (federalism, capitalism)
Purposive Sample
Most-Similar-System Design
Most-Different-Systems Design
Most-Similar-System Design
Compare similar systems and explain difference
Most-Different-System Designs
Compare different systems and explain difference
Galton’s Problem
Researcher must ensure that the units under observation are independent of one another.
Results applicable in some way to other environments
The ability to export lessons from one set of cases to draw conclusions about another set of cases
Quan - Replication (determines reliability)
Qual - Dependibility - shows the results are consistent with the data you collected
Assessing Transferability (3 Wats)
Methods reported and justified?
Detailed findings reported?
Are limitations of the study, scope conditions, etc. discussed?
4 Equivalence Challenges in Case Study Research
Lexicon: differing or non-existent words
Contextual: differing social meanings
Conceptual: differing understanding of ideas
Measurement: may need different measures for same concept
Transferability and Scope Conditions
Gotsta consider the latter when doing the former.