Chapter 8: Pest Management Theory Flashcards
How old is pest management
As old as domestication of plants
what was used as pest management in 2500BC
What did Egyptian and Chinese farmers use as insecticides
herbs & oils to protect seeds and stored grains
what year was the insecticide era
history of insecticide era
began with rapid expansion of miracle insecticides (DDT)
What was used before DDT
from petroleum and coal tar distillates, plants, or inorganic compounds like arsenic
who made DDT
Othmar Zeilder in 1873 then later Paul Muller
What was DDT used for
supress mosquitos, fleas, lice, among soldiers to reduce malaria and typhus
Why did DDT fail
it encouraged insecticide resistance & other problems eventually being found in milk and other food products
where did the concept of pest management come from
discontent with purely insecticide approaches from 1950s and the idea of natural enemies rose in popularity
Integrated control
Emphasizes selective use of insecticides so that natural enemies were conserved in the agreoecosystem
Pest management programs include:
selectivity for the pest, comprehensive management for the production system, compatibility with ecological principles, tolerance for potentially harmful species within economically acceptable limits
Tactics used to maintain pest populations
natural enemies, resistant varieties, insecticides, etc.
pest management strategy
overall plan to eliminate or alleviate or perceived pest problem
Pest management strategies
do nothing, reduce pest population numbers, reduce crop susceptibility to pest injury, combine reduced crop susceptibility
do nothing strategy
sometimes crop will be able to tolerate the insect better than additional management
Reduce numbers strategy
reduce insect numbers to prevent problems
carrying capacity
maximum number of insects a given environment will support for a sustained period
Reduce-crop susceptibility strategy
generally most effective and environmentally stable, insect population is not modified. rely on changes made in host plant or animal to render is less susceptible to an otherwise damaging pest population
Combined Strategy
Combines do nothing, reduce numbers, reduce crop sustainability that produces a program with several tactics
Sub-economic pests
damage usually below EIL. usually do nothing strategy
Occasional pest
common type of pest, damage usually below EIL. Early detection, prediction, and employmenet of tactics ONLY when EIL is reached
perennial and severe pests
pests that cause most serious damage
Key pests
pests of a relatively high market value crop
severe pests
long term average density of the pest is above the EIL