Chapter 8 Nervous System Flashcards
The central nervous system is composed of the:
a) spinal nerves and ganglia.
b) brain and spinal cord.
c) brain and cranial nerves.
d) spinal cord and spinal nerves.
Brain and spinal cord
Which of the following are components of the central nervous system?
a) Brain and spinal cord
b) Spinal cord and twelve pairs of cranial nerves
c) Brain and twelve pairs of cranial nerves
d) Brain
Brain and spinal cord
Which of the following are components of the peripheral nervous system?
a) Spinal cord
b) Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves
c) Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves and Autonomic nerves
d) Spinal cord and autonomic nerves
Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves and Automatic nerves
Which of the following supplies the striated skeletal muscles?
a) Meningeal cranial nerve
b) Hypoglossal cranial nerve
c) Autonomic nervous system
d) Somatic nervous system
Somatic nervous system
The smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular epithelial tissue are controlled by the:
a. olfactory cranial nerve.
b. vagus cranial nerve.
c. autonomic nervous system.
d. somatic nervous system.
Autonomic nervous system
The basic unit of the nervous system is the:
a) neuron.
b) glioma.
c) meningi.
d) corpus callosum.
What is the myelin sheath?
a) The basic unit of the nervous system
b) The innermost layer of the protective covering of the CNS
c) A fatty insulation covering of the axon
d) A long, threadlike extension of the nerve cell
A fatty insulation covering of the axon
Deterioration of the myelin sheath is a characteristic abnormality of:
a) meningitis.
b) neoplasm.
c) osteomyelitis.
d) multiple sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis
The largest part of the brain is the:
a) cerebellum
b) cerebrum
c) medulla
d) pons
Which portion of the brain lies between the cerebrum and the spinal cord?
a) Brainstem
b) Cerebellum
c) Basal ganglia
d) Diencephalon
What are the basal ganglia?
a) The portion of the brain between the cerebrum and the spinal cord
b) The portion of the brain between the cerebrum and the midbrain
c) Islands of gray matter deep within the white matter of the cerebrum
d) Islands of white matter deep within the gray matter of the cerebellum
Islands of gray matter deep within the white matter of the cerebrum
Which of the following are parts of the basal ganglia? a) Globus pallidus
b) Caudate nuclei
c) Putamen
d) Globus pallidus, caudate nuclei, and putamen
Globus pallidus, caudate nuclei, and putamen
The midbrain consists of the:
a) pons and medulla.
b) brain and spinal cord.
c) cerebrum and corpus callosum.
d) thalamus and hypothalamus.
Pons and medulla
Which portion of the brain lies between the cerebrum and the midbrain?
a) Brainstem
b) Diencephalon
c) Corpus callosum
d) Choroid plexus
What is the function of the thalamus?
a) A link between mind and body and is the reward center for primary devices
b) Coordinates skeletal muscles to maintain equilibrium and balance
c) To control position and automatic movements
d) A relay station that receives sensory impulses before sending them to the cerebral cortex
A relay station that receives sensory impulses before sending them to the cerebral cortex
What is the function of the cerebellum?
a) To control position and automatic
b) A link between mind and body and is the reward center for primary drives
c) Coordinates skeletal muscles to maintain equilibrium and balance
d) Center of control for nonvital functions, such as coughing, sneezing, hiccupping, etc.
Coordinates skeletal muscles to maintain equilibrium and balance
The inner protective layer of the central nervous system is composed of three layers. The tough, outermost covering is called the:
a) dura mater
b) arachnoid membrane
c) pia mater
d) myelin sheath
Dura mater
Which of the following is an extension of the dura mater that projects downward into the longitudinal fissure to separate the cerebral hemispheres?
a. Tentorium cerebelli
b. Tentorium cerebri
c. Falx cerebelli
d. Falx cerebri
Falx cerebri
What is the function of the tentorium cerebelli?
a) Separate the cerebral hemispheres.
b) Separate the cerebellar hemispheres.
c) Separate the cerebral occipital lobe from the cerebellum.
d) Separate the cerebellum from the temporal lobes of the cerebrum.
Separate the cerebral occipital lobe from the cerebellum
The ventricles of the brain are filled with:
a) air.
b) cerebrospinal fluid.
c) blood.
d) lymph.
Cerebrospinal fluid
Where is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) formed?
a) In the meninges
b) In the diploë of the skull
c) In the corpus callosum
d) In the choroid plexus
In the choroid plexus
Networks of capillaries in the ventricles that form CSF are known as:
a) choroid plexuses.
b) meninges.
c) diploë.
d) falx cerebri.
Choroid plexuses
What is the function of the arachnoid villi?
a) Separate the cerebellar hemispheres.
b) Protect the CNS.
c) Absorption of CSF into venous blood.
d) Secrete CSF
Absorption of CSF into venous blood
An acute inflammation of the pia mater and arachnoid is called:
a) encephalitis.
b) meningitis.
c) subdural empyema.
d) supradural empyema.
A brain abscess is usually the result of a:
a) trauma.
b) osteomyelitis.
c) herpes simplex virus.
d) chronic infection of sinuses, middle ear, or mastoids or systemic infection (i.e., pneumonia).
chronic infection of sinuses, middle ear, or mastoids or systemic infection (i.e., pneumonia).
What is the most common cause of a subdural empyema?
a) Spread of infection from frontal or
ethmoid sinuses
b) Osteomyelitis
c) Herpes simplex virus
d) Scalp infection
Spread of infection from frontal or ethmoid sinuses