Chapter 6 Urinary System Flashcards
(T/F) The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron.
(T/F) Urine formation begins in the glomerulus.
(T/F) A hypoplastic kidney is a small third kidney and a rare developmental anomaly.
(T/F) Horseshoe kidney is the most common fusion anomaly of the urinary system.
(T/F) Ectopic kidney describes when a kidney fails to develop.
(T/F) Ureteroceles are commonly associated with duplicated ureters.
(T/F) Chronic cystitis is evidenced radiographically by a decrease in bladder size and wall irregularity.
(T/F) Glomerulonephritis is the most common nosocomial infection.
(T/F) Urinary calculi are asymptomatic while they are in the kidney.
(T/F) Painless hematuria is a common presentation of a hypernephroma.
What is the functional unit of the kidney?
a) Lobule
b) Nephron
c) Glomerulus
d) Ureterocele
In an average person, the nephrons filter about _____ L of water out of glomerular blood each day.
a. 2
b. 10
c. 80
d. 190
Where does the formation of urine begin?
a) Nephrons
b) Bowman’s capsule
c) Glomerulus
d) Distal convoluted tubule
Which of the following stimulates the rate of red blood cell production?
a) Erythropoietin
b) Angiotensin
c) Renin
d) Aldosterone
A miniature replica of a kidney is termed:
a) ectopic kidney.
b) hypoplastic kidney
c) compensatory hypertrophy
d) supernumerary kidney.
Hypoplastic kidney
A rare anomaly in which a kidney fails to develop is called:
a) unilateral renal agenesis.
b) hypoplastic kidney
c) compensatory hypertrophy
d) supernumerary kidney.
Unilateral renal agenesis
What term is applied to an acquired condition that occurs when one kidney is required to do the job of two?
a. Supernumerary kidney
b. Crossed ectopia
c. Compensatory hypertrophy
d. Hypoplastic kidney
Compensatory hypertrophy
A rare anomaly in which there is a third, rudimentary kidney is termed:
a) an ectopic kidney.
b) compensatory hypertrophy
c) hypoplastic kidney
d) supernumerary kidney.
Supernumerary kidney
What is an ectopic kidney?
a. A third, rudimentary kidney
b. A kidney that is not located in the normal
c. A kidney that is enlarged because it has to
do the job of both kidneys
d. The most common type of fusion anomaly
A kidney that is not located in the normal location
What is the most common type of fusion anomaly?
a) Horseshoe kidney
b) Crossed ectopia
c) Doughnut kidney
d) Unilateral renal agenesis
Horseshoe kidney
When the kidneys are fused at their lower poles, they are termed a(n):
a) doughnut kidney.
b) lump kidney
c) horseshoe kidney
d) ectopic kidney
Horseshoe kidney
Refer to the image below. What developmental anomaly is demonstrated?
a) Crossed ectopia
b) Horseshoe kidney
c) Unilateral renal agenesis
d) Supernumerary kidney
Horseshoe kidney
A cystic dilatation of the distal ureter near its insertion into the urinary bladder is called a:
a. ureterocele.
b. pyelonephritis.
c. ureteral aneurysm.
d. renal cyst.
What is a ureterocele?
a) A nonsuppurative inflammatory process involving the tuft of capillaries within the Bowman’s capsule.
b) A smaller than normal amount of urine.
c) A fusion anomaly in which the ureter is directly connected to the kidney.
d) A cystic dilatation of the distal ureter near its insertion into the urinary bladder.
A cystic dilatation of the distal ureter near its insertion into the urinary bladder
Which condition is most commonly found in children with ureteral duplication?
a) Renal cyst
b) Ureterocele
c) Papillary necrosis
d) Staghorn calculus
A nonsuppurative inflammatory process involving the tuft of capillaries within the Bowman’s capsule is called:
a. ureterocele.
b. pyelonephritis.
c. glomerulonephritis.
d. papillary necrosis.
A smaller than normal amount of urine is termed:
a) polyuria
b) oliguria
c) hematuria
d) dysuria
What is oliguria?
a) A smaller than normal amount of urine
b) A larger than normal amount of urine
c) The presence of protein molecules in the urine
d) The presence of fat molecules in the urine
A smaller than normal amount of urine
A suppurative inflammatory process of the kidney and renal pelvis is termed:
a) glomerulonephritis
b) papillary necrosis
c) cystitis
d) pyelonephritis.
Which type of severe infection occurs almost exclusively in diabetic patients and causes acute necrosis of the entire kidney?
a. Cystitis
b. Papillary necrosis
c. Glomerulonephritis
d. Emphysematous pyelonephritis
Emphysematous pyelonephritis
What is the most common hospital-acquired infection?
a) Cystitis
b) Pyelonephritis
c) Vasculitis
d) Tuberculosis
Which imaging modality is the safest and most accurate in detecting renal calculi?
a. Ultrasound
b. Excretory urography
c. Noncontrast helical CT
d. MRI
Noncontrast helical CT
What term is applied to a renal calculus that completely fills the renal pelvis?
a) Pelvolithiasis
b) Staghorn calculus
c) Pelvocalcinosis
d) Nephrocalcinosis
Staghorn calculus
What is nephrocalcinosis?
a) A condition of calcium deposits within the renal parenchyma
b) A renal calculus that fills the entire renal pelvis
c) Excretion of calcium ions in the urine
d) A severe infection of the renal parenchyma
A condition of calcium deposits within the renal parenchyma
Calcium deposits within the renal parenchyma are termed:
a) staghorn calculus.
b) nephrolithiasis
c) nephrocalcinosis
d) glomerulonephritis.
What is the cause of hydronephrosis?
a) Chronic glomerulonephritis
b) Blockage above the level of the bladder
c) Staghorn calculus
d) Aldosterone deficiency
Blockage above the level of the bladder
Blockage above the level of the bladder causes dilatation of the renal pelvicalyceal system, which is called:
a. glomerulonephritis.
b. cystitis.
c. hypernephroma.
d. hydronephrosis.
What population is most likely to develop stones in the urinary bladder?
a) Children
b) Young adults
c) Elderly males
d) Diabetic persons
Elderly males
What is the most common unifocal mass of the kidney?
a) Staghorn calculus
b) Hypernephroma
c) Nephrocalcinosis
d) Renal cyst
Renal cyst
The most common renal neoplasm is a:
a) hypernephroma.
b) nephroblastoma
c) pyelocarcinoma
d) renal cell sarcoma.
Which of these is a common symptom of a renal neoplasm?
a) Hydronephrosis
b) Painless hematuria
c) Proteinuria
d) Renal neoplasms are asymptomatic
Painless hematuria
What is the most common abdominal neoplasm of infancy and childhood?
a) Hypernephroma
b) Wilms’ tumor
c) Polycystic kidneys
d) Renal cell carcinoma
Wilms’ tumor
What condition most commonly occurs in children who are severely dehydrated?
a) Nephrolithiasis
b) Glomerulonephritis
c) Pyelonephritis
d) Renal vein thrombosis
Renal vein thrombosis
What is the imaging modality of choice to diagnose renal vein thrombosis?
a) CT
b) MRI
c) US (Ultrasound)
d) Excretory urography
Ultrasound (US)
Which of the following are causes of enlarged kidneys?
a) Polycystic renal disease
b) Renal vein thrombosis
c) Nephrosclerosis and Polycystic renal
d) Polycystic renal disease and renal vein thrombosis
Polycystic renal disease
Which of the following are causes of small kidneys with smooth contours?
a) Renal vein thrombosis
b) Nephrosclerosis and renal vein thrombosis
c) Nephrosclerosis and Chronic glomerulonephritis
d) Renal vein thrombosis and Chronic glomerulonephritis
Nephrosclerosis and Chronic glomerulonephritis
The medical term that means to void or empty the bladder of urine is:
a) incontenience.
b) continate
c) micturate
d) uremia.
What term is used to describe an abnormally positioned kidney?
a) Kidney agenesis
b) Ectopic kidney
c) Kidney aplasia
d) Hypertrophic kidney
Ectopic kidney
Refer to the image. Note the arrows. What condition is indicated by the arrows in this image of an intravenous urogram?
a) Ureterocele
b) Kidney agenesis
c) Ectopic kidney
d) Hypertrophic kidney
Ectopic kidney
Which urinary disease occurs almost exclusively in males and is defined as a thin transverse membrane that causes bladder outlet obstruction and may lead to severe hydronephrosis, hydroureter, and renal damage?
a) Ureterocele
b) Posterior urethral valves
c) Benign prostatic hyperplasia
d) Polycystic kidney disease
Posterior urethral valves