Chapter 1 Intro to Pathology Flashcards
A disease process caused by physicians or their treatment is:
A basic reaction of the body to some form of injury is a:
What term is used to denote a disease in which the underlying cause is unknown?
Alterations of cell growth, specifically an abnormal proliferation of cells, is called:
Neoplasms (tumors)
The initial response of body tissues to local injury is:
Heat and redness associated with inflammation is produced by:
In an injury, the destroyed tissue is replaced with:
Granulation tissue
Of the five clinical signs of acute inflammation, the medical term for swelling is:
tumor (swelling)
Some bacterial organisms produce substances that cause damage to the tissue and incite the inflammatory process known as:
Chronic inflammation in a localized area, which often has centralized necrosis, is called:
In acute inflammation, the localized heat and redness are a result of the:
increased blood flow and vascular permeability
In pyogenic infections, the body responds by producing a thick, yellow fluid called:
All pyogens have the ability to enter the blood circulation causing:
Connective tissue fibers replacing dead tissue and then contracting in the abdomen are known as:
fibrous adhesions
An accumulation of abnormal amounts of fluid in the intercellular tissue throughout the body is called:
Localized _____________ is produced in an inflammatory reaction as a result of a fluid accumulation.
An inflammation associated with pus formation is:
The protein-rich fluid associated with swelling in an inflammatory process is:
The low-protein fluid associated with the inflammatory process as seen in pulmonary edema is called:
A localized area of ischemic necrosis within a tissue or organ produced by vascular occlusion is a(n):
Depriving tissues of oxygen and nutrients caused by arterial vessel narrowing is referred to as:
The progression of a loss of oxygen and nutrients resulting in tissue necrosis, especially in the diabetic’s foot, is called:
A subcutaneous hematoma greater than 1 to 2 cm is called a(n):
An accumulation of blood trapped within the body tissues is known as a(n):
Bleeding into mucous membranes or serosal surfaces is referred to as:
The volume of blood loss, the rate of blood loss, and the site of blood loss will determine the:
patient status, clinical significance and treatment required
When a reduction in the size or number of cells in an organ occurs, this results in:
When cells fail to develop and as a result the organ is small, the organ is considerd:
Which term is used to describe an increase in the size of an organ or tissue in response to an increase in function?
The proliferation of granulation tissue to repair an injury is an example of:
The proliferation of granulation tissue to repair an injury is an example of:
The Latin word for “new growth” is:
New growths that invade and destroy adjacent structures and have the ability to spread are considered:
A polyp is a:
projecting mass from an inner mucous membrane
A malignancy of glandular tissue, such as breast or liver, is referred to as a(n):
The term derived from the Lain term for “crab” is:
The study of neoplasms or tumors is called:
Tumors closely resembling their cells of origin in structure and function are called:
When tumor cells flourish, causing the patient to become weak and emaciated, this condition is referred to as:
Benign epithelial neoplasms that grow in a gland-like pattern are:
Tumors that contain muscle cells are called:
Tumor cells of stratified squamous epithelium, which invade and destroy adjacent structures, make up:
squamous cell carcinomas
If an neoplastic growth proliferates without form, it is considered:
Symptoms suggestive of esophageal or stomach cancer are:
anorexia and dysphagia
Diffuse spread of malignant neoplasms by invasions into a natural body cavity is called:
The major metastatic route of carcinomas is:
lymphatic spread
Assessing the aggressiveness or degree of malignancy is referred to as:
To determine the most appropriate therapy, the disease process must be:
Using a combination of cytotoxic substance to kill neoplastic cells is called:
The most common hereditary abnormality is:
enzyme deficiency
Exposure to radiation, chemicals, or viruses may result in alterations in the DNA called:
A gene always producing an effect regardless or whether the person is homozygous or heterozygous is named:
When a vaccine or toxoid is used to counteract an antigen, it is considered:
active immunity
The body has the ability to combat antigens by forming ________ in the lymphoid tissue
antibodies and immunoglobulins
Hypotension and vascular collapse with urticaria, bronchiolar spasm, and laryngeal edema are characteristics of:
anaphylactic reactions
Profound and sustained impairment of cellular immunity resulting in recurrent or sequential opportunistic infections is characteristic of:
The retrovirus known to contribute to AIDS is:
human immunodeficiency virus
A hazy, perihilar, granular infiltrate spreading to the lung periphery is the early radiographic finding of:
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia
The modality of choice to demonstrate the multiple manifestations of AIDS is the central nervous system is:
All of the following are personal protective equipment (PPE), except:
A) gown
B) gloves
C) mask
D) sharps container
D) sharps container
All of the following are additive diseases in terms of x-ray attenuation, except:
A) pneumonia
B) osteolytic metastasis
C) callus
D) ascites
osteolytic metastasis