Chapter 8 Exam 3 Flashcards
A description for how, in some cases, not enough distinctive cues are available to help us recover a specific memory
Central Executive
A hypothetical portion of the working memory model that directs the activities of working memory, including the phonological loop, the visuospatial sketchpad, and the flow of information between working and long-term memory.
Elaborative Rehearsal
The process of actively manipulating information in immediate memory to meaningfully connect it to other information already stored in long-term memory.
Encoding Problem
The problem the brain must solve to transform an experience into a memory.
Encoding Specificity Principle
The idea that retrieval cues are only useful as long as they match the original context of how to-be-remembered information was originally learned.
Errors of Commission
Memory errors where wrong or unwanted information is brought to mind.
Errors of Omission
Memory errors where information cannot be brought to mind.
Flashbulb Memories
Memories for the details surrounding events that are both surprising and particularly significant.
Free Recall
Remembering previously-learned information without any other context to aid in remembering.
Immediate Memory
A system that actively holds on to a limited amount of information so that it can be manipulated and processed.
Inner Eye
The mental experience of seeing something using your imagination. The inner eye is taken as evidence for visual representation in immediate memory.
Inner Voice
The mental experience of hearing yourself talk “in your head.” The inner voice is taken as evidence for verbal representation in immediate memory.
Phonological Loop
A system within the working memory model that temporarily stores and manipulates auditory and verbal information.
Retrieval Practice
The phenomenon that the repeated retrieval of information is more useful for long-term memory than other tasks, such as the repeated reading of the same information
Retrieval Problem
The problem the brain must solve to recover information from long-term memory.
Retroactive Interference
The inability to retrieve older information due to the influence of newer, similar information.
Shallow Processing
Encoding information based only on its surface characteristics.
Storage Problem
The problem the brain must solve to maintain information in the brain over time, whether short or long.
A description for how memories can sometimes be altered by the context in which they are remembered to better fit the current context.
Tip-of-the-tongue State
A state when someone cannot remember a piece of information but have a powerful feeling that they know exactly what they are trying to remember.
A description for how sometimes we are unable to retrieve information because it has been forgotten due to the interference of information we have processed in the meantime.
Visuospatial Sketchpad
A system within the working memory model where visual and spatial information is stored and manipulated.