Chapter 12 Exam 3 Flashcards
A trait-based personality measure that was developed from a list of personality traits; using factor analysis, a number of personality factors were found. The final measure of the 16PF is composed of items measuring 16 different personality characteristics/traits.
Delay of gratification
The ability to resist the temptation for something desirable that is immediately available in favor of waiting for something more desirable but required waiting some span of time (that may vary). Delayed gratification is also referred to as willpower.
Electrophysiological Measures
Inferences about personality that are linked to bodily processes, such as heart rate, respiration, and skin conduction (i.e., changes in sweat as measuring using galvanized skin response (GSR).
Erogenous Zone
Area of the body associated with pleasure
Extraverts tend to be socially oriented, outgoing, adventure-seeking, optimistic, and easygoing.
Free Association
A technique of psychoanalysis in which a client is encouraged to freely share thoughts, words, and anything else that comes to mind in order to gain insight into their unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and motivations.
Introverts have a tendency to avoid social situations, enjoy time alone, have a calm and quiet demeanor, turn their thoughts inward, and prefer quiet time. Introverts report feeling physically and mentally drained from social gatherings.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
An objective personality measure that assesses both personality traits and the presence of mental illness. The MMPI is in its second version and is the most widely used objective personality measures used by trained psychologists.
Moving Against People
Horney’s third strategy of reducing anxiety involves emotionally harming others (with words and behaviors) to avoid others hurting you.
Moving away from People
Horney proposed that another strategy to reduce anxiety is to emotionally withdraw and use behavior avoidance to protect oneself from getting hurt.
Moving Toward People
Horney identified three means of reducing anxiety and establishing feelings of security. One such strategy, moving toward people, involves speaking and behaving in ways with the goal of attracting others to care about you and try to find someone who will take care of you.
An enduring set of internally-based characteristics that create uniqueness and consistency in a person’s thoughts and behaviors.
Projective Techniques
Projective tests are psychoanalytically based on Freud’s belief in the unconscious. The ambiguous stimuli may be an inkblot (Rorschach Inkblot test) or a drawing of an ambiguous situation (TAT). There are no correct answers, and reliability estimates of projective techniques are low (which means that there is no validity). When responding to an inkblot, a participant may give an elaborate answer; however, different clinicians often come to very different conclusions about responses because scoring is vague and highly subjective.
Reality Principle
The world in which the ego operates where impulses from the unconscious and id are rejected in their natural form and are expressed in socially acceptable ways.
Self-monitoring techniques
A person keeps track of the occurrence of a behavior of interest by recording the frequency with which they engage in that behavior.