Chapter 3 Exam 1 (definitions) Flashcards
Action Potential
The electrical impulse, or activation energy, that sends a message through a neuron.
The part of the peripheral nervous system that controls the more automatic functions of the body.
A part of the neuron’s cell membrane that delivers messages to other neurons and body parts.
Central Nervous System
The part of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord.
The process where particles dissolved in water move from high to low concentration.
Something that causes a neuron to move closer to activation (more positive).
Glial Cells
Several different kinds of helper cells that assist neurons in their role as the brain’s communicators, and provide structural support.
Something that causes the charge inside a neuron to move away from activation (more negative).
Areas in the brain where neurons have died. A lesion can occur for many reasons, including trauma (getting hit), drug overdose, disease, stroke, or toxic chemical exposure.
Limbic System
A network of neurons and glia dedicated to regulating emotions, helping regulate endocrine activity, and forming emotional memories.
Glial (helper) cells that clean debris and get rid of germs.
Cells that communicate within the brain and with the body to form thoughts and actions. These cells code information as electrical signals, and also release chemicals that influence other neurons/organs/body parts.
Chemicals released from the end of an axon that acts as messages to other neurons and body parts. These chemicals typically bind to receptors.
Glial (helper) cells that wrap the myelin insulation around axons in the central nervous system.
Parasympathetic Nervous System
The division of your autonomic nervous system that is responsible for resting, digestion, and repairing the body.
Peripheral Nervous System
Peripheral means “outer.” This is any part of the nervous system not in the brain or spinal cord.
Reticular Activating System (RAS)
A network of cells in the pons and medulla that help regulate the level of awareness and alertness in humans.
Schwann Cells
Glial (helper) cells that wrap the myelin insulation around axons in the peripheral nervous system.
Sympathetic Nervous System
The division of your autonomic nervous system that is responsible for things we do that require excitement.