Chapter 12 Exam 3 Flashcards
Systems, Models, Theories
Ego Defense Mechanism: Repression
Unknowingly placing an unpleasant memory or thought in the unconscious
Ego Defense Mechanism: Regression
Reverting back to immature behavior from an earlier stage of development
Ego Defense Mechanism: Displacement
Redirecting unacceptable feelings from the original source to a safer, substitute target
Ego Defense Mechanism: Sublimation
Replacing socially unacceptable impulses with socially acceptable behavior
Ego Defense Mechanism: Reaction Formation
Acting in exactly the opposite way to one’s unacceptable impulses
Ego Defense Mechanism: Projection
Attributing one’s own unacceptable feelings and thoughts to others and not yourself
Ego Defense Mechanism: Rationalization
Creating false excuses for one’s unacceptable feelings, thoughts, or behavior
Psychosexual Stages: Oral Stage
Birth- 1 year. Erogenous Zone (mouth): Satisfactions comes from putting objects in mouth
Conflict (weaning): Parents help the child with everything during this stage, but they have to wean them off of their help
Psychosexual Stages: Anal Stage
1-3 years. Erogenous zone (bowel and bladder control): Satisfactions is from being toilet trained
Conflict (how the parents toilet train)- Whether the parents train just right, too strict, or too lenient
Psychosexual Stages: Phallic Stage
3-6 years. Erogenous Zone (genitals): Boys and girls start to learn the differences between them
Conflict (Oedipus/Electra complex): Boys fight for mother’s affection, girls fight for father’s attention
Psychosexual Stages: Latency Period
6-Puberty. Erogenous zone: none
Conflict (development of social and communication skills) Children focused on peer relationships, intellectual pursuits, and social interactions.
Psychosexual Stages: Genital Stage
Puberty-Death. Erogenous zone (maturing sexual interests): Interest of others and partners starts
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs: Self-actualization
Morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs: Esteem
Self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect for others, respect by others
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs: Love/Belonging
Friendship, family, sexual intimacy
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs: Safety
Security of: Body, employment, resources, morality, the family, health, property
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs: Physiological
Breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion
Rogers Moving from Actual to Ideal Self: Self-Concept
The perception of one’s unique set of skills, abilities, and qualities forming the basis of a sense of self
Rogers Moving from Actual to Ideal Self: Self-Esteem
The overall favorability evaluation of one’s sense of self
Rogers Moving from Actual to Ideal Self: Self-Actualization
The tendency to self self-improvement and personal enhancement
Rogers Moving from Actual to Ideal Self: Conditional Positive Regard
Acceptance by others only when meeting their expectations
Rogers Moving from Actual to Ideal Self: Unconditional Positive Regard
Acceptance by others for who they are without putting judgement on them
Bandura’s Self-System: Self-System
Set of cognitions that people use to observe, evaluate, and regulate behavior in different situations
Bandura’s Self-System: Self-efficacy
Belief about own ability to successfully preform in a given situation. Low levels lack confidence and motivation, high levels show confidence and perceived
Mcrae and Costa Five Factor Model: Openness
(Imagination, feelings, actions, ideas)
Low score: Practical, conventional, prefers routine
High score: Curious, wide range of interests, independent
Mcrae and Costa Five Factor Model: Conscientiousness
(competence, self-discipline, thoughtfulness, goal-driven)
Low score: Impulsive, careless, disorganized
High score: Hardworking, dependable, organized
Mcrae and Costa Five Factor Model: Extroversion
(Sociability, assertiveness, emotional expression)
Low score: Quiet, reserved, withdrawn
High score: outgoing, warm, seeks adventure
Mcrae and Costa Five Factor Model: Agreeableness
(Cooperative, trustworthy, good-natured)
Low score: critical, uncooperative, suspicious)
High score: Helpful, trusting, empathetic
Mcrae and Costa Five Factor Model: Neuroticism
(Tendency toward unstable emotions)
Low score: Calm, even-tempered, secure
High score: Anxious, unhappy, prone to negative emotions