Chapter 8 Eating and sleep-wake disorders Flashcards
bulimia nevrosa
out-of-control episodes, or binges, are followed by self-induced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives, or other attempts to purge (get rid of) the food
anorexia nevrosa
the person eats nothing beyond minimal amounts of food, so body weight sometimes drops dangerously
binge-eating disorder
individuals might binge repeatedly and find it distressing, but they do not attempt to purge food
is not considered an official disorder in the DSM, but we consider it here because it is thought to be one of the most dangerous epidemics confronting public health authorities around the world today
purging techniques
individuals tries to compensate for the binge eating and potential weight gain –> these techniques include self-induced vomiting immediately after eating and using laxatives (drugs that relieve constipation) and diuretics (drugs that result in loss of fluids through greatly increased frequency of urination
bariatric surgery
is an increasingly popular approach for individuals with a BMI of at least 40
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
dream sleep
difficulties getting enough sleep, problems with sleeping
characterised by abnormal behavioural or psychological events that occur during sleep, such as nightmares and sleepwalking
polysomnographic (PSG) evaluation
the clearest and most comprehensive picture in your sleep habits
wristwatch-size device - assessment of sleep - records number of arm movements
sleep efficiency (SE)
the percentage of time actually spent asleep, not just lying in bed trying to sleep
micro sleeps
lasts several seconds or longer
disorder involving sleeping too much
sleep apnea
sleep problem - difficulty breathing at night
day time sleepiness and some experience cataplexy - sudden loss of muscle tone
breathing related sleep disorders
sleep problems have a physical origin - namely problems of breathing while asleep
during REM or dream sleep
sleep terrors
most common in children, usually begin with a piercing scream - occur during NREM - therefor not caused by frightening dreams - cannot be easily wakened and comforted