Chapter 8: Complex Sentences Flashcards
Main clause
A clause that is not embedded.
Complement clause
An embedded clause with the function of an argument.
Adverbial clause
An embedded clause that is not required by the predicate.
Predicate clause
An embedded clause that functions as a predicate.
Relative clause
An embedded clause that serves the function of modifier of a nominal head.
Non-finite embedded clause
Embedded clause that contains verb forms that cannot occur as main clause predicates.
Infinitival constructions
Non-finite embedded clauses that contain a verb form that is not marked for tense or person (the infinitive).
Non-finite embedded clauses that closely resemble infinitive constructions, but the verb behaves in some respects like a noun.
Participle constructions
Non-finite constructions that can by themselves be used attributively.
When an argument in the embedded clause is not realized when it is co-referent with an argument in the main clause.
When an argument of an embedded clause behaves as if it is an argument of the main clause.
Sequence of tenses
When the tense form in the embedded clause adapts itself to the tense form of the main clause.
Coordinated clause
Embedded clauses where neither of them is a constituent to the other.
Words that connect coordinated clauses and coordinated phrases.
The deletion or leaving out of identical predicates in a coordinated construction.
Embedded clause
A clause that is contained within another clause.