Chapter 8 Flashcards
___________ are illnesses caused by pathogenic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
Infectious Diseases
_____________ are a subset of infectious diseases made up of illnesses that can be transmitted from person to person.
Communicable Diseases
_________ are single-celled microorganisms that live in water, inside the human body, in organic matter, and on inorganic surfaces (fomites)
________ one of the smallest disease agents, must grow and multiply inside the living cells of a host.
_______ are a common cause of disease where sanitation is poor, generally in developing countries, although cases are still found in developed countries.
The ________ period begins when the pathogen enters the body by evading the host’s outermost layers of defense, such as skin or acidic mucous membranes.
The _______ period is the interval between exposure to the pathogen and the onset of symptoms.
This stage lasts as long as the agent remains in the body and can be spread to other people.
Communicability Period
________________ is the branch of medicine concerned with studying the causes, distribution, and control of disease in a population.
The Department of Labor’s __________ oversees compliance, enforcement, inspection, tracking and reporting related to infection control practices in the workplace.
Historically, most needlesticks have occurred during _________ procedures.
The best means of preventing transmission of infectious agents remains the most basic one:
effective hand washing
An __________ is a disease outbreak in which many people in a community or region become infected with the same disease.
A ___________, is an epidemic that sweeps the globe, reaching all seven continents.
A __________ is necessary if a pathogenic agent is to leave one host to invade another.
portal of exit
The _________ is the site at which the pathogenic agent enters a new host.
portal of entry
The ________ is a molecule the immune system does not recognize as its own.
The most common site of infection in endocarditis is the _______.
mitral valve
_________ is an inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.
More than 90% of meningitis cases have a _________ etiology.
The ________ is the most common screening done to determine exposure too TB.
Mantoux skin test
Each year more than 60,000 people in the US die of __________, which is an inflammation of the lungs.
____________ is caused by the herpesvirus Epstein-Barr.
_______, the virus that causes AIDS, was first identified in a human specimen in 1959.
Patients called ___________, make up about 10% of the HIV-positive Caucasian population, and an unknown percentage of the nonwhite HIV-positive population.
_______ is the end-stage disease caused by HIV.
_____ cannot survive outside the human host.
Limited data suggest that the HBV virus can survive outside the body in the medium of dried blood for as long as _____ days.
________ virus is the most common chronic blood-borne infection and the leading cause of liver transplantation in the US.
Hepatitis C
_____ requires that the host be infected with HBV.
_________ is the second most commonly reported disease in the US.
Many people infected with HIV or HCV are also infected with ___________.
Routine treatment for syphilis includes administration of ____________.
______ is usually referred to as oral herpes, cold sores or fever blisters.
Genital herpes is a chronic recurrent illness produced by HSV _________.
Worldwide, __________ is the most common sexually transmitted disease infection adults.
______ has been identified as a precursor of cervical cancer.
Signs and symptoms of _______ infestation include nocturnal itching and the presence of a rash.
_________ is the only state whose animal population is free of rabies.
_______ is an acute viral infection of the CNS primarily affecting animals.
Transmission of _______ occurs by inhalation of aerosolized rodent waste.
Transmission of _______ occurs when spores enter the body by way of a puncture wound contaminated with animal feces, street dust, or soil, by the injection of street drugs, or in neonates delivered at home where adequate sterile procedures are not available.
________ is the most common tick-borne disease in the US.
Lyme Disease
____________, or German measles is also caused by a virus found in respiratory secretions.
______ is characterized by swelling and tenderness of the parotid salivary glands, affecting one or both sides of the neck.
The gram-negative bacterium Bordatella pertussis is the organism that causes ___________.
whooping cough
_________ is a highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus.
Studies have found that Chickenpox transmission to household members who have not had the disease is likely at _____%.