Chapter 8 Flashcards
Q: What is unfree labour?
A: An all-encompassing term for the formalized coercion of men, women, and children (through need or violence) to provide their labour. Such labour can range from migrant farm work to sex slavery to the use of children as soldiers.
Q: What is economy?
A: The culturally specific processes used by members of a society to provide themselves with material resources.
Q: What is economic anthropology?
A: “The part of the discipline [of anthropology] that debates issues of human nature that relate directly to the decisions od daily life and making a living”
Q: What is scarcity?
A: A condition under which it is assumed that resources (e.g., money) will never be plentiful enough for people to obtain all goods or services they desire.
Q: What are institutions?
A: Stable and enduring cultural practices that organize social life.
Q: What are subsistence strategies?
A: The patterns of production, distribution, and consumption that members of a society use to meet their basic material survival needs.
Q: What are food collectors?
A: People who gather wild plant materials, fish, and/or hunt for food.
Q: What are food producers?
A: People who depend on domesticated plants and/or animals for food.
Q: What is extensive agriculture?
A: A form of cultivation that depends on a slash-and-burn (swidden) techniques, rainwater, human muscle power, and a few simple tools, such as digging sticks, hoes, and/or machetes.
Q: What is what is intensive agriculture?
A: A form of cultivation that employs plows, draft animals, irrigation, and fertilizer to bring a large amount of land under cultivation at one time.
Q: What is mechanized industrial agriculture?
A: Large- scale farming that is highly dependent on industrial methods of technology and production.
Q: What is production?
A: The transformation of nature’s raw materials into a form suitable for human use.
Q: What is distribution?
A: The allocation of goods and services.
Q: What is consumption?
A: Using up material goods necessary for human survival.
Q: What is neoclassical economic theory?
A: A formal attempt to explain the workings of capitalist enterprise, with particular attention to distribution.
Q: What are modes of exchange?
A: Patterns according to which distribution takes place: reciprocity, redistribution, and market exchange.
Q: What is reciprocity?
A: A mode of exchange in which individuals exchange goods and/or services (1) under the assumption that the exchanges will eventually balance out, (2) with the expectation of immediate balance, or (3) in the hope that at least one party will get something for nothing.
Q: What is redistribution?
A: A mode of exchange in which a centralized social organization receives contributions from all members of the group and redistributes them in a way that provides for every member.
Q: What is market exchange?
A: A mode of exchange in which the exchange of goods (trade) is calculated in terms of a multi-purpose medium of exchange and standard of value (money) and carried on by means of a supply-demand-price mechanism (the market).
Q: What is labour?
A: The activity linking human social groups to the material world around them.
Q: What is a mode of production?
A: “A specific, historically occurring set of social relations through which labour is deployed to wrest energy from nature by means of tools, skills, organization, and knowledge”
Q: What are means of production?
A: The tools, skills, organization, and knowledge used to extract energy from nature.
Q: What are relations of production?
A: The social relations linking the people who use a given means of production within a particular mode of production.
Q: What is ideology?
A: Those products of consciousness- such as morality, religion, and metaphysics- that purport to explain to people who they are and to justify the kinds of lives they lead.
Q: What is cultural ecology?
A: The study of the ways in which human beings relate to one another and to their natural environment.
Q: What is ecology?
A: The study of ways in which living species relate to one another and to their natural environment.
Q: What is an ecozone?
A: The particular mixture of plant and animal species occupying any particular region of the earth.
Q: What is ecotone?
A: A transition area between two different ecozones that displays characteristics of both ecozones.
Q: What is an econiche?
A: The sum total of relations between a species and the plants and animals on which it relies for survival; theses relations define those places where a species is “at home.”
Q: What is affluence?
A: The condition of having more than enough of whatever is required to satisfy consumption needs.