Chapter 7 Flashcards
Q: What is relatedness?
A: The socially recognized ties that connect people in a variety of ways.
Q: What is marriage?
A: An institution that prototypically (1) involves a man and a woman, (2) Transforms the status of participants, (3) carries implications about sexual access, (4) give offspring a position in society, and (5) establishes connections between the kin of a husband and the kin of a wife.
Q: What is family?
A: At minimum, a woman or a man and her or his dependent.
Q: What is kinship?
A: Social relationships that are prototypically derived from the universal human experiences of mating, birth, and nurturance.
Q: What is friendship?
A: A relatively unofficial bonds that people construct with one another that tend to be personal, affective, and a matter of choice.
Q: What is affinal?
A: Regulated through marriage.
Q: What is consanguineal?
A: A relationships of descent, regardless of whether the child is related by birth, adoption, sperm/ovum donation, or surrogacy, therefore based on “blood” either genetically or socially defined.
Q: What is bridewealth?
A: The transfer of certain symbolically important goods from the family of the groom to the family of the bride, representing compensation to the wife’s lineage for the loss of her labor and for child-bearing capacities.
Q: What is endogamy?
A: Marriage within a defined social group
Q: What is exogamy?
A: Marriage outside of a defined social group
Q: What is monogamy?
A: A marriage pattern in which a person may be married to only one person at a time.
Q: What is polygamy?
A: A marriage pattern in which a person may be married to more than one person at a time.
Q: What is dowry?
A: The transfer of wealth from parents to their child (usually a daughter) at the time of the child’s marriage.
Q: What is a non-conjugal family?
A: A woman (or, less commonly, a man) and her (or his) children, with or without a second parent.
Q: What is conjugal family?
A: A family based on marriage; at minimum, a spousal pair and their children.
Q: What is a nuclear family?
A: A family made up of two generations; parents and their unmarried family.
Q: What is extended family?
A: A family pattern made up of three generations living together: parents, married children, and grandchildren.
Q: What is a joint family?
A: A family made up of brothers and their wives (or sisters and their husbands) along with their children and sometimes their parents living together.
Q: What is a blended family?
A: A family created when previously divorced or widowed people marry, bringing with them children from their previous marriages.
Q: What is family of choice?
A: A family created over time by new kin ties as friends and lovers demonstrate their genuine commitment to one another.
Q: What is bilateral descent?
A: A pattern of descent in which a descent group is formed based on connections of relatedness made through both a mother and a father.
Q: What is unilineal descent?
A: A pattern of descent in which a descent group is formed based on connections of relatedness made through either father (patrilineal descent) or a mother (matrilineal descent).
Q: What is ego?
A: The person from whose perspective the kinship associations are being mapped and/or discussed. (Note that the term is capitalized when used to designate real, specific people.)
Q: What is lineage?
A: A descent group composed of blood relatives who believe they can trace their descent from known ancestors.
Q: What is a clan?
A: A descent group formed by members who believe they have a common ancestor, even if they cannot specify the genealogical links.
Q: What is segmentary opposition?
A: An approach to dispute resolution and social organization in which groups beyond the most basic emerge only is opposition to other groups on the same hierarchical level.
Q: What are ascribed statuses?
A: Social positions people are assigned at birth.
Q: What is achieved status?
A: Social positions people may attain later in life, often as the result of their own (or other people’s) effort.
Q: What is age sets?
A: Non-kin social groups composed of young men born with a specified time span.
Q: What are sodalities?
A: Non-kin social groups that may be organized on the basis of age, sex, economic role, and/or personal interest.
Q: What are secret societies?
A: Non-kin social groups that initiate young men or women into social adulthood and reveal “secret” knowledge to initiated members.