Chapter 11 Flashcards
Q: What is a world view?
A: An encompassing picture of reality created by members of a society.
Q: What is a metaphor?
A: A form of thought and language that asserts a meaningful link between two expressions from different semantic domains.
Q: What is a metaphorical subject?
A: The first part of a metaphor, which indicates the domain of experience that needs to be clarified.
Q: What is a metaphorical predicate?
A: The second part of a metaphor, which suggests the familiar domain of experience that may clarify the metaphorical subject.
Q: What are metaphorical entailments?
A: All the attributes of a metaphorical predicate that relate it to the metaphorical subject.
Q: What is metonymy?
A: The culturally defined relationship of the parts of a semantic domain to the domain as a whole and the whole to its parts.
Q: What are key metaphors?
A: Symbolic representations that are widely understood within a culture and central to that culture’s world view.
Q: What is a societal metaphor?
A: A key metaphor whose predicate lies in social order.
Q: What is an organic metaphor?
A: A key metaphor whose predicate lies in the image of a living body.
Q: What is a technological metaphor?
A: A key metaphor whose predicate lies in objects made by human beings.
Q: What is religion?
A: “Ideas and practices that postulate reality beyond what is immediately available to the senses”
Q: What is a priest?
A: A religious practitioner skilled in the practice of religious rituals, which he or she carries out for the benefit of the group.
Q: What is transculturation?
A: Culture change resulting from contact between different cultures.
Q: What is witchcraft?
A: The practice of magic, whether intentional or not.
Q: What are oracles?
A: Invisible forces to which people address questions and whose responses they believe to be truthful.
Q: What is magic?
A: A set of beliefs and practices designed to control the visible or invisible world for specific purposes.
Q: What is syncretism?
A: The synthesis of old religious practices (or an old way of life) with new religious practices (or a new way of life), introduced from outside, often by force.
Q: What is revitalization?
A: A conscious, deliberate, and organized attempt by some members of a society to create a more satisfying culture in a time of crisis.
Q: What is nativism?
A: An attempt to return to traditional customs.
Q: What is secularism?
A: The separation between religion and state.