Chapter 10 Flashcards
Q: What is health?
A: A persons general social, psychological, and physical condition.
Q: What is well-being?
A: A culturally defined state (or role) of general physical or mental comfort and goo health; a lack of illness.
Q: What is medical anthropology?
A: An area of anthropological inquiry that focuses on issues of well-being, health, illness, and disease as they are situated in their wider cultural contexts.
Q: What is biomedicine?
A: Traditionally Western forms of medical knowledge and practice based on biological science.
Q: What is disease?
A: Forms of biological impairment identified and explained within the discourse of biomedicine.
Q: What is suffering?
A: The forms of physical, mental, or emotional distress experienced by individuals who may or may not subscribe to biomedical understandings of disease.
Q: What is sickness?
A: Classifications of physical, mental, and emotional distress recognized by members of a particular cultural community.
Q: What is culture-bound syndromes
A: Sicknesses, as well as the therapies to relieve them that are unique to a particular cultural group.
Q: What is illness?
A: A suffering person’s own understanding of his or her distress.
Q: What is traditional knowledge?
A: Knowledge that is culturally held and passed on from generation to generation
Q: What are ethnomedical systems?
A: Alternative medical systems based on practices of local sociocultural groups.
Q: What is a shaman?
A: A part-time religious practitioner who is believed to have the power through altered states of consciousness to travel to or contact supernatural forces directly on behalf of individuals or groups. Note that this term is not used specifically in the context of traditional America but is found in other cultures where such a religio-medical practitioner is found
Q: What is etiology?
A: The study of the causes of disease and/or an illness
Q: What is folk illness?
A: A culture-bound illness; a set of symptoms that are grouped together under a single label only within a particular culture.
Q: What is a biotic?
A: living; biological.
Q: What is abiotic?
A: Non-living; physical
Q: What is realized niche?
A: The proportion of the habitable world that a group of people is forced to utilize and to which it becomes highly adapted.
Q: What is bioaccumulation?
A: An accumulation of a toxic substance in a biological organism over time.
Q: What is biomagnification?
A: An increase in the concentration of a toxic substance from the bottom to the top of a food chain.
Q: What is defensive research?
A: Research that is designed and conducted by individuals outside the affected community without consulting members of the community about their interests or concerns.
Q: What is positive research?
A: Research that is designed with fair consideration of the interests and concerns of members of the affected community and conducted with consideration of cultural contexts within the community.
Q: What is structural violence?
A: Violence that results from the way that political and economic forces structure risk for various forms of suffering within a population.
Q: What is social trauma?
A: Individual and group experience of negative physical, mental, and emotional effects resulting from powerfully disturbing occurrences caused by forces and agents external to the person or group.
Q: What is the placebo effect?
A: An effect produced in response to an individual’s belief that a treatment will have a desired effect, despite evidence that the treatment has no medical properties.
Q: What is managed care?
A: A system of care, tied to the market-based delivery of medicine, particularly in the U.S, in which a patient’s choice of treatment and of practitioner is directed by an intermediary organization that aims to provide the most cost-effective services available while generating profits for its members.
Q: What is epidemiology?
A: The study of the occurrence, spread, management, and prevention of infectious diseases.