Chapter 8 Flashcards
Chemical, usually secreted by an endocrine gland, that is conveyed by the bloodstream and regulates target organs or tissues
Endocrine glands
Glands that secretes hormones into the bloodstream. Exocrine glands are tear, salivary, sweat (outside body)
Chemical signal that is released outside the body of an animal and affects members of the same species
Chemical signal that is released outside the body of one species and affects behavior of another species
Peptide Hormone
“protein hormone” that consists of a string of amino acids.
Amine Hormone
“monoamine hormone” hormone composed of a single amino acid that has been modified into a related molecule such as melatonin or epinephrine
Steroid Hormone
Any of a class of hormones, each of which is composed of four interconnected rings of carbon atoms.
Pituitary gland
A small, complex endocrine gland located in a socket at the base of the skull. Sits right below the hypothalamus,
Pituitary stalk
Thin piece of tissue that connects the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus
Neuroendocrine cell
Neuron that releases hormones into local or systemic circulation
Posterior pituitary
rear decision of the pituitary gland (does not produce hormones) rather diffuses them into the blood stream
Hormone, released from posterior pituitary, triggers milk letdown in nursing and is also associated with a variety of complex behaviors
“Arginine vasopressin” peptide hormone from the posterior pituitary that promotes water conservation and increases blood pressure
Negative Feedback
output of hormone feeds back to inhibit the drive for more of that same hormone
Anterior Pituitary Gland
Front division of pituitary gland, secretes tropic hormones
Tropic Hormone
Any class of anterior pituitary hormones that affect the secretion of hormones by other endocrine glands
Releasing hormone
any of a class of hormones, produced in the hypothalamus, that traverse the hypothalamic pituitary portal system to control the pituitary’s release of the tropic hormones
Median Eminence
Midline feature on the base of the brain that marks that point at which the pituitary stalk exits the hypothalamus to connect to the pituitary. Contains elements of the hypothalamic pituitary portal system.
Hypothalamic-pituitary portal system
Elaborate bed of blood vessels leading from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary
Growth Hormone (GH)
“somatotropin or somatotropic hormone” A tropic hormone that is secreted by the anterior pituitary that promotes the growth of cells and tissues
Any of the sexual organs that produce gametes for reproduction (ovaries/testes)
Anterior pituitary hormone that selectively stimulates the cells of the gonads to produce sex steroids and gametes.
Follicle-stimulation hormone (LH)
Gonadotropin named for its actions on ovarian follicles. Stimulates the growth and maturation of egg-containing follicles and governs sperm production
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Gonadotropin named for its stimulatory effects on the ovarian corpora lutea. Corpora secrete the sex steroid hormone progesterone, stimulates testes to produce sperm
Corpora Luteum
Structure that forms from the collapsed ovarian follicle after ovulation. The copora lutea are a major source of progesterone
Male gonads, responsible for production ofsperm and androgenic steroid hormones.
Hormone, produced by male gonads that control a variety of bodily changes that become visible at puberty. One of a class of hormones called androgens
Female gonads, which produce eggs (ova) for reproduction
Any of a major class of steroid hormones that are produced by the ovary, including progesterone
Any class of a steroid hormones, including estradiol produced by female gonads
Primary type of estrogen that is secreted by the ovary, formal name is 17-beta-estradiol
Primary type of progestin secreted by the ovary
Ovulatory Cycle
Periodic occurrence of ovulation in females
Oral Contraceptive
birth control, typically consisting of steroid hormones to prevent ovulation. Synthetic estrogens or progestins which provide negative feedback effect on the hypothalamus inhibiting release of GnRH which prevents release of FSH and LH
Appetitive Behavior
Second stage of mating behavior. Helps establish or maintain sexual interaction
Refers to a state in which a female advertises its readiness to mater through species-typical behaviors
“coitus” the sexual act
Insertion of penis into vagina during copulation
Refractory phase
Period following copulation during which an individual does not recommence copulation
Coolidge effect
Propensity of an animal that appears sexually satisfied with a current partner to resume sexual activity when provided with a new partner
Sexually Receptive
Referring to the state in which an individual is willing to copulate (typically female in mammals)
Period during which female animals are sexually receptive
Postcopulatory behavior
Final stage in mating behavior, can include grooming or rolling (mice/cats)
Sex cell (sperm or ovum)
Fertilized egg
Production and release of an egg (ovum)
Female receptive posture in four legged animals in which the hind quarters are raised, facilitates intromissions by male
Activational effect
Temporary change in behavior resulting from the administration of a hormone to an adult animal
Periaqueductal gray
Midbrain region involved in pain perception
Ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH)
Hypothalamic region involved in sexual behaviors, eating, and aggression. Crucial for lordosis.
Medial Preoptic Area (mPOA)
Region of anterior hypothalamus implicated in the control of many behaviors including sexual behavior, gonadotropin secretion, and thermoregulation
Vomeronasal organ (VNO)
Collection of specialized receptor cells, near but separate from the olfactory epithelium that detect pheromones and send signals to the accessory olfactory bulb in the brain.
Medial Amygdala
Portion of amygdala that receives olfactory and pheromonal information
Refers to a surgical preparation that joins to animals to share a single blood supply….