Chapter 8 Flashcards
If a child were born with natural musical ability because the mother had taken piano lessons, this would illustrate the theory of
A. use and disuse
B. need
C. mutations
D. inheritance of acquired characteristics
D. Inheiritance of acquired characteristcs
According to many current Flood models, the possible sources of the water include
A. superheated steam from volcanoes
B. a canopy of water surrounding the earth
C. an outpouring of water from beneath the earth’s surface
D. all of the above
E. A and C only
D. all of the above
The most common type of identifiable fossils is
A. preserved hard parts of animals and plants
B. preserved carbon in the form of coal
C. petrified fossils
D, frozen fossils
A. preserved hard parts of animals and plants
Which of the following is NOT a reason to believe in the universality of the Genesis flood?
A. The covenant God made with Noah (that such a flood would never happen again) would have been broken every time there was a local flood.
B. It rained forty days and forty nights.
C. There are New Testament references to a worldwide flood
D. The purpose of the Flood was to destroy all creatures from the face of the earth
B. It rained forty days and forty nights
Which is NOT true of the carbon-14 cycle?
A. Carbon-14 is formed by cosmic radiation’s bombarding nitrogen in theupper atmosphere.
B. Carbon-14 enters living organisms
C. Carbon-14 remains trapped in organisms longer than carbon-12
D. Carbon-14 combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide
C. Carbon-14 remains trapped in organisms longer than carbon-12
Which of the following would a Creationist NOT agree with?
A. Genesis gives a literal description of Creation
B. the Bible is the inspired Word of God
C. Science is a means to determine all truth
D. The Fall is the cause of all of mankind’s problems
C. Science is a means to determine all truth
A fossil that goes through several layers of rock is called A. stratified B. polystrate C. longitudinal d. petrified
B. polystrate
The age of the earth is probably between A. 6000 and 7000 B. 10,000 and 20,000 C. 20,000 and 30,000 D. several hundred thousand and several million years
A. 6000 and 7000
The fact that many organisms produce more offspring than can actually survive is an important part of the theory developed by A. Darwin B. Lamarck C. deVries D. Marx
A. Darwin
That Adam was able to take care of himself and eat fruit from trees when he was created supports a belief in
A. half-life theories of dating
B. creation with apparent age
C. the ability to day by decay and build-up
d. the gap theory
B. creation with apparent age
Which of the following is NOT a reason to claim that dating methods using radioactive elements are unreliable?
A. They assume that the rate of decay of the radioactive element must have always been constant
B. They assume a knowledge of how much of a radioactive element was present when the substance was formed.
C. They assume that none of the end products, subproducts, or radioactive elements escaped from the substance being dated.
D. They have never yielded an accurate date
D. They have never yielded an accurate date
Who hypothesized that an organ that was NOT used would disappear from the species? A. Darwin B. deVries C. Lamarck D. Mendel
C. Lamarck
Missing links are A. found in the geologic record B. intermediate forms that must have existed if evolutionary theory is true C. sometimes found alive today d. illustrated by the Eohippus
B. intermediate forms that must have existed if evolutionary theory is true
Darwin’s finches and the various collections of the peppered moths in England demonstrate
A. evolution
B. natural selection
C. inheritance of acquired characteristics
D. support for the pangene theory
B. natural selection
Which of the following concepts is NOT a part of Darwin's theory of evolution? A. descent with modification B. use and disuse C. natural selection D. pangenes
B. use and disuse
a mixture of evolution and the biblical account of Creation
theistic evolution
an old universe combined with God-directed creative acts
progressive creationism
the days described during Creation are actually long periods of time
day age theory
proposes a first creation that existed before Adam and Eve
gap theory
six consecutive twenty-four hours days
literal creation
just like an ape
conjectured from a pig’s tooth
Nebraska man
a practical joke
Piltdown man
constructed from a bone, skull fragments, and a few teeth scattered over a riverbank
Java man
just like modern man
Neandertal man
speculated by many anthropologists to be man’s oldest evolutionary relative
Toumai man
literally means ‘before the flood”
a manmade object
human artifact
the surface features of the earth
an evolutionary line-up of living things
phylogenetic tree
man-controlled reproduction of animals
artificial breeding
the study of the origin of and the physical, social, and cultural history of man
number of mutations in an organism
genetic load
evolution occurring in spurts followed by nonevolutionary periods
punctuated equilibrium
The uranium-lead method and the carbon-14 method are two topographic methods of dating various objects.
Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands while serving as a ship’s naturalist and later used what he observed there to support his theory of natural selection.
Scientism claims that science is the only way to determine what is true.
Theistic evolution is a blending of science and Scripture which Bible-believing Christians cannot accept.
Human artifacts found in coal and other rock layers give support to the theory that man was alive before the fossils were formed.
James Ussher used Bible genealogies to arrive at the date of 4004 BC as the date of Creation.
Ice ages refers to “major periods of glaciation.”
One of the drawbacks to Darwin’s theories is that in nature the fittest do not always reproduce.
Environmental determinism is the concept that a person’s environment causes him to be what he is.
Hugo deVries is credited with originating the evolution by mutation theories.
“ontogeny recapitulates phyogeny” is a statement often used by Creationists to support the biblical account of creation.
The rapid changes observed in some organisms due to natural selections are strong evidences for a biblical model of Creation and a universal flood.
Structures that humans have and were once considered vestigial organs include the tonsils, the appendix, and the pituitary gland.
The term genetic load refers to the number of mutations an organism or a gene pool carries.
Environmental determinism is compatible with Scripture.
some evolutionists try to account for missing links by using the theory of punctuated equilibrium.
A person’s worldview includes the biases that influence his interpretation of facts.
Evolutionary philosophy holds that all things progress towards perfection.
A literal interpretation of Creation includes six twenty-four hour days separated by long periods of time.
Molecular similarity of DNA between certain organisms is strong evidence for common ancestry.
Explain the importance of a literal interpretation of the Genesis account of Creation.
The Bible is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. If the Bible is fallible, if it must be amended to conform to scientific theory or man’s worldview, then Christians are without hope.