Chapter 8 Flashcards
Alternating current
Abbreviated AC: rapid and interrupted current, flowing first in one direction and then in the opposite direction; produced by mechanical means and changes directions 60 times per second
Active electrode
Electrode of an electrotherapy device that is used on the area to be treated
Abbreviated A and also know as amp. Unit that measures the amount of an electric current (Quantity)
Process of infusing an alkaline product into tissue from the negative pole towards the positive pole
Positive electrode; the anode is usually red and marked withN or a minus sign
Blue light
A light emitting diode for use on the clients acne
Process of forcing an acid product into deeper tissues using galvanic current from the positive pole toward the negative pole; tightens and calms skin
Negative electrode; the cathode is usually black and marked N or with minus sign
A color component of the skin found at different depths, such as blood or melanin.
Circuit breaker
Switch that automatically interrupts or shuts off an electric circuit at the first sign of overload
Complete electric circuit
The path of electric currents moving from the generating source through conductors and back to the generating source
Any substance, material, or medium that easily transmits electricity
Apparatus that changes direct current to alternating current
Process used to soften and emulsify sebum and blackheads in the follicles
Direct current
Abbreviated DC: constant even flowing current that travels in one direction only and is produced by chemical means
Electric current
The flow of electricity along a conductor
Movement of particles around an atom. Creating pure energy
AKA probe. Applicator for directing the electric current from an electrotherapy device to clients skin
Electromagnetic spectrum
AKA electromagnetic spectrum of radiation. Made up of all forms of energy whose spectrum ranges from the longest waves to the shortest
The use of electrical devices to treat the skin and for therapeutic benefits
A special device that prevents excessive current from passing through a circuit
Galvanic current
A constant and direct current. Uses a positive and negative pole to produce the chemical reactions and ionic reactions
Green light
A light emitting diode for the use on clients with hyperpigmentation or for detoxifying the skin.
The ground connection completes the circuit and carries the current safely away to the ground
Inactive electrode
Opposite pole from the active electrode
Infrared light
Has longer wavelengths, penetrates deeply, has less energy, and produces more heat than visible light. Makes up 60% of natural sunlight
Non conductor. Doesn’t conduct electricity
Intense pulse light
Light device that uses multiple colors and wavelengths of focused light to treat spider veins, hyperpigmentation, redness, wrinkles, pores, and excessive hair
Invisible light
Light at either end of the visible spectrum of light that is invisible to the naked eye
AKA ionization. Process of infusing water-soluble products into the skin with the use of an electric current
1000 watts. Abbreviated K
Light Amplification Stimulation Emission of Radiation. Used for hair removal and skin treatments
Light-Emitting Diode. A device used to reduce acne. And improve collagen in skin
Light therapy
The application of light rays to the skin for the treatment of acne, wrinkles, capillaries, pigmentation, or hair removal
And extremely low level of electricity that mirrors the body’s natural electrical impulses
One-thousandth of an amp
Currents used in electrical facial and scalp treatments.
Abbreviated O. Unit that measures the resistance of electric current
Photo thermostats
Process of light from a laser turning into heat
Two or three pronged connector at the end of an electrical current
Negative and positive pole of an electric current
Apparatus that changes alternating current to direct current
Red light
A light emitting diode for the use on clients in the stimulation of circulation and collagen and elastin production.
Tesla high frequency current
Also know as violet ray. Heat producing current with a high rate of vibration. For scalp and facial treatments
Ultraviolet radiation
Invisible rays that have short wavelengths, least penetrating, produce chemical effect, kills germs
Visible light
The primary source of light used in facial and scalp treatments
Unit that measures the pressure of the flow of electrons through a conductor
Measures how much energy is being used in one second
Distance from peak to peak between electromagnetic waves
White light
Combination of all visible rays of the spectrum
Yellow light
A light emitting diode which aids in reducing inflammation and swelling