Chapter 8 Flashcards
What does the STP process consisted of?
T/F- The STP process leads into the marketing mix
How you or your company responds more effectively to wants of potential buyers in order to increase sales and outfits is known as
What are the three steps of the STP process?
Identify Market Needs
Link needs to actions
Execute marketing program actions
What needs are you identifying in step 1 of the STP process?
Product Features
Savings in time and convenience
What are the link needs to action in step 2 of the STP process
Take steps to segment and target markets
What helps execute marketing program tactics in step 3 of the STP process?
The marketing mix:
What are the steps to link needs to actions within step 2 of the STP process?
1) Group potential buyers into segments
2) Group products to be sold into categories
3) Develop a market-product grid and estimate size of markets
4) Select Target Markets
5) Take marketing actions to reach target markets
1) Group potential buyers into segments
2) Group products to be sold into categories
3) Develop a market-product grid and estimate size of markets
4) Select Target Markets
5) Take marketing actions to reach target markets
The following steps help which step of the STP process?
Step 2: Link needs to action
aggregating prospective buyers into groups, or
segments that have common needs and will respond similarly to a marketing action is known as
Market Segmentation
Homogenous groups of similar buyers is known as
Market Segments
Why is it important to segment markets?
- To respond more effectively to the wants of potential buyers, thereby increase sales and profits
- Provides links between various buyers needs and marketing program
- One size fits all no longer applies
What is the criteria that is used in forming the segments?
- Simplicity and cost-effectiveness
-potential for increased profit - similarity of needs of potential buyers within a segment
- difference of needs of buyers among segments
- potential of a marketing action to reach a segment
How can you segment consumer markets?
How can geographic markets be grouped?
Areas within region
- state, city, neighborhood
T/F-Geographic segmentation is most useful for companies whose products satisfy needs that vary by region