Chapter 12 Flashcards
What term consists of individuals and firms involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by consumers or industrial users
Marekting Channel
T/F- Marketing channels makes the flow of products and services from a producer, through intermediaries, to buyers possible
What makes the flow of products and services from a producer, through intermediaries, to buyers possible
Marekting Channels
What are the 5 types of marketing channels?
Direct marekting channel
Indirect marketing channel
Dual Distribution
Multichannel Marketing
Strategic channel alliances
What type of marketing channel allows consumers to buy products by interacting with various advertising media without a face-to-face meeting with a salesperson
Direct Marketing Channel
What does the direct marketing channel include?
Mail order selling
Direct mail sales
Interactive media
Catalog sales
Televised home shopping
Individuals or organizations that undertake the role of linkage between two parties is known as
Which type of marketing channel has trade from producer to consumer and that is it?
Direct Marketing
Which type of marketing channel goes through distributors, wholesalers, or retailers before reaching the consumers?
Indirect Marketing
What term is known as the link between manufacturer and customer?
Any intermediary between the manufacturer and end-user markets is known as the
Any intermediary with legal authority to act on behalf of the manufacturer is known as
Agent or Broker
Any intermediary who sells to other intermediaries, usually to retailers; term usually applies to consumer markets is known as
An intermediary who sells to consumers is known as
An imprecise term, usually used to describe intermediaries who perform a variety of distribution functions, including selling, maintaining inventories,
extending credit, and so on; a more common term in business markets but
may also be used to refer to wholesalers is known as
A more imprecise term than distributor that can mean the same as distributor, retailer, wholesaler, and so forth is known as
an arrangement
whereby a firm reaches different buyers by employing two or more different types of channels for the same basic
product is known as
Dual Distribution
the blending of different communication and delivery
channels that are mutually reinforcing in attracting, retaining, and building relationships with consumers who shop and buy in traditional intermediaries and online is known as
Multi-channel marketing
Retail stores leverage their physical presence by allowing customers to:
- Pick up their online orders at a nearby store
- Exchange non-store purchases at retail location
What type of marketing use some combination of stores, catalogs, emails, social media, e-commerce, etc. to sell
What term involves a practice
whereby one firm’s marketing channel is used to sell another firm’s products
Strategic Alliance
What type of alliances are popular in global
marketing, where the creation of marketing channel relationships is
expensive and time consuming
Strategic Alliance
The process of choosing a channel by best coverage of target market, best satisfy buyers’ requirements, or most profitable is which marketing channel?
Achieving the best target market coverage requires attention to the:
- Density
- Type of intermediaries used at the retail level of distribution
The number of stores in a given geographical area is known as
What are the 3 types of density?
Intensive distribution
Exclusive Distribution
Selective distribution
when a firm places its offerings in as many outlets
as possible this is known as
Intensive Distribution
What type of density is usually chosen for convince products or services?
Intensive Distribution
Soda, candy, gum, and etc are examples of what type of distribution?
Intensive Distribution
when only one retail outlet in a specific geographical area
carries the firm’s products this is known as
Exclusive Distribution
Which type of density is the extreme opposite of intensive distribution and is typically chosen for specialty products or services?
Exclusive Distribution
when a firm selects a few retail outlets in a specific geographical area to carry its products this is known as
Selective Distribution
What is the most common form of distribution density?
Selective Distribution