Chapter 8 Flashcards
What was the one thing Germans of all classes and political allegiances could agree on?
That the Treaty of Versailles was unjust.
How was the Treaty of Versailles viewed by most Germans?
As unjust, a dictated peace treaty, that denied Germany its rightful place as a great European power.
What was the common aim of every government between 1919 and 1933?
The revision of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
What was Gustav Stresemann’s approach to revising the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
The pragmatic policy of fulfilment.
What was the policy of fulfilment?
Stresemann’s plan to cooperate with France, Great Britain, the USA, and Italy on reparations.
When was Gustav Stresemann foreign minister?
When was the Daws Plan?
When did French and Belgian forces leave the Ruhr?
Why did French and Belgium forces leave the Ruhr?
Because the Dawes Plan led to economic recovery and German began paying reparations again, making occupation unjustified.
When was the Locarno Pact?
1 December 1925
Why is it called the Locarno Pact?
The conference was held in the Swiss city of Locarno.
What is the Locarno Pact made up of?
It is the collective name of two other agreements:
- The Rhineland Pact
- Arbitration Treaties
What were the terms of the Rhineland Pact?
- Germany, France, and Belgium promised to respect the western frontier as laid down in Versailles in 1919.
- Germany agreed to keep its troops out of the Rhineland, another Versailles demand.
- Britain and Italy promised to aid Germany, France, or Belgium, if any were attacked by each other.
What were the terms of the Arbitration Treaties?
- Any dispute between Germany and France, Belgium, Poland, or Czechoslovakia was to be settled by a conciliation committee.
- France agreed to make sure Germany did not break their agreement to resolve disputes via a committee.
Who was to settle any dispute over the western border following the Locarno Pact?
The league of Nations
Why was the Locarno Pact significant for the western border?
It was the first time Germany had recognised the western border imposed at Versailles.
What territory did Germany lose under the terms of Versailles that they accepted through the Locarno Pact?
- The loss of Alsace-Lorraine to France.
- Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium.
What was guaranteed not to happen again by signing the Locarno Pact?
For Germany it meant the occupation of the Ruhr could never be repeated.
When was the Franco-Belgian occupation of the Ruhr?
What happened to the Rhineland after the Locarno Pact was agreed?
France withdrew its forces over the next five years.
When was the city of Cologne evacuated by the French?
What was not recognised in the Locarno Pact?
The eastern border, leaving open the possibility of future revisions to it.
What did the Locarno Pact lead to for Germany in 1926?
They were accepted into the League of Nations.
When was Germany accepted into the League of Nations?
When was Stresemann awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and what for?
1926; for his work in the Locarno Pact.