Chapter 7- Listening & Responding Flashcards
Receiving, constructing meaning, and responding to others.
Picks up sound waves.
Auditory discrimination-
Able to distinguish one sound from another.
Auditory association-
Establish connection btwn incoming sounds and familiar one.
Interpret message and understand what it means.
Your reaction to a message.
Action-oriented listening style-
Informational listening skill-
- Looking for info that they can do something w/.
- Pay attention to pull out what you need.
Content oriented listening style-
-Critical listening skill-
- Detail/complex info.
- Enjoy listen to detail info.
People-oriented listening style-
Supportive Listening Skills-
Focus on establishing ties w/ others.
-Emotional, how people feel.
Time oriented listening skill-
People only interested in getting what they need.
Physical barriers
Physical discomfort.
Message overload.
Psychological barrier
Rapid thought.
Conflicting Objectives-
How people understand and react to other’s communicative attempt.
Poor listening habits
- Pseudolistening-
- Wandering-
- Rejecting-
- Judging-
- Predicting-
- Rehearsing-
- Distraction-
- Pretending to listen.
- losing focus.
- Speaker don’t deserve their time.
- Evaluating speaker’s message.
- Listener gets ahead of speaker.
- Think about how you’re going to respond.
- Background noises.
Mindful listening-
Giving careful and thoughtful attention to the message.