Chapter 7 - Learning Flashcards
lasting change caused by experience - must be inferred from behavior and cannot be directly observed
associative learning
two or more stimuli become linked
non-associative learning
repeating information becomes coded in memory
weakening a response after being repeated too much (it doesn’t require as much attention as other things do)
recovery of attention - we become vigilant if we hear something important in the middle
strong stimulus results in an exaggerated response
types of associative learning
classical and operant conditioning
association of events in the environment
classical conditioning
forming a connection between two unrelated stimuli
Unconditioned stimulus
stimulus that results in response on its own - (food)
Unconditioned response
physical response from unconditioned stimulus (salivation from food)
conditioned stimulus
stimulus that creates same response as unconditioned stimulus (bell)
conditioned response
physical reaction in response to something that has been conditioned (salivation from bell)
process of learning to associate unconditioned and conditioned response (bell and food)
reducing a conditioned response after conditioned stimulus isn’t whats expected (bell without food)
Spontaneous recovery
chance of conditioned response returning after extinction has occurred
Stimulus discrimination
being able to distinguish between similar stimulus
Stimulus generalization
when stimuli triggers a conditioned response to something that looks similar (tape dispenser and snail)
Higher-order conditioning
using what’s already been conditioned to create another conditioning (using bell to make dog salivate over music)
Little Albert experiment
Used classical conditioning to pair a white rat with a loud bang and baby began getting scared of rat
irrational obsessive fear that may arise from fear conditioning
Systematic desensitization
used to extinguish phobia through exposure (exposure therapy)
Conditioned taste aversion
stimulus becomes connected to nausea after having a reaction paired with illness - getting food poisoning from something and trying to avoid it
Operant conditioning
behavior is modified depending on consequences
Law of effect
rewards entice good behavior and punishments redu e bad behavior
systematic study and manipulation of observable behavior
experiment that increases certain behavior
positive reinforcement
giving a reward to increase chances of that behavior
Negative reinforcement
taking away an unpleasant feeling to increase behavior (seatbelt sound)
something that decreases certain behavior
Positive punishment
adding an unpleasant consequence (chores)
Negative punishment
removing a pleasant feeling (no phone)
Primary reinforcers
Stimulus with survival value (food, water, no pain)
Secondary reinforcer
becomes rewarding when associated with primary reinforcer- learned (money, grades, praise)
Primary punisher
stimulus causing dislikeness (slapping, loud sounds)
Continuous reinforcement
Behavior is reinforced every time it occurs - learns quicker
Intermittent/Partial reinforcement
reinforced some of the time - slower learning
Secondary punisher
becomes disliked when associated with a primary punisher (disapproval, bad grades)
Fixed ratio schedule
reinforcement after a fixed number of responses - high rate of responding with pauses after reinforcement
Variable ratio schedule
reinforcement is unpredictable - high regular response (ex gambling)
Fixed interval schedule
reinforcement after fixed time has elapsed (low rate)
variable interval schedule
reinforcement occurs after varying lengths of time (low rate)
Observational learning/social learning
watching the behaviors of models
giving reinforcements after small steps (training a dog to roll over)
Behavior modification
changing behavior through operant conditioning (sticker chart at home)
learning behavior from someone else
Implicit learning
learning things without being aware (learning to talk)
Mirror neurons
the type of neuron that is fired when acting the same as someone else
Latent learning
we didn’t know we learned something until given a chance to express it
Vicarious learning
seeing another suffer consequences and avoiding that behavior
Insight learning
sudden realizing a solution to a problam
Stroop effect
information is contradictory (green written in red ink)
Factors thar facilitate learning
Sleep, timing, awareness, attention, context
Studying in the same room multiple times can help with memory
reading disorder
Prenatal learning
math disorder
disorder of written expression