Chapter 11 - Motivation and Emotion Flashcards
Internal process that directs behavior
need or desire
Instinct theory
Theory for motivation - behavior is motivated by instincts (a bird building a nest) automatic and innate
Drive reduction
Theory of motivation - we behave to maintain bodily equilibrium (thirst or hunger) response to biological need
Arousal theory
Theory of motivation - body is motivated to achieve arousal (watching a thriller movie or doing a calm activity to increase or decrease arousal)
Incentive Theory
Theory of motivation - behavior is motivated by intrinsic or extrinsic rewards (child avoiding punishment, or getting good grades) grades, money, recognition
Hierarchy of needs theory
Theory of motivation -
Behavior is motivated in levels
(physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, self-actualization)
What Behavior is Instinct Theory good at explaining
Mating, feeling from danger, curiosity, attachment and being social.
What Behavior is Instinct Theory bad at explaining
Learned behaviors, culturally influenced behaviors - anything that is not an instinct
The bodily balance - we always seek to restore it
Arousal theory helps explain…
Thrill-seeking, dangerous behavior, craving gossip and weird news stories
What Behavior is drive reduction good at explaining
Basic survival - eating, drinking, sleeping, pain avoidance, sexual drive
What Behavior is drive reduction bad at explaining
Emotional needs, behaviors that reward in the long term, behaviors for enjoyment and pleasure
Arousal theory is not the best to explain
Long term goal oriented behavior, biological needs, routines
Yerkes-Dodson Law
Harder tasks are better completed with less arousal
Simple tasks are better completed with higher arousal
Primary incentive
innate rewards or punishments (food, pain)
Secondary incentives
Rewards we’ve been conditioned to value - money, praise
Incentive theory explains…
Value for money, grades and praise
Incentive theory doesn’t explain…
Leaves out internal emotions
Physiological needs
survival - food, water, sex
Safety needs
need for safety and secure
Belonging and love needs
need for close relationships with others
Esteem needs
need to feel good about yourself
Self-actualization needs
to reach max potential
Hierarchy of needs does not explain…
selfless acts, addictive behavior
Why is drinking water important for the body?
to maintain volume or water and ion-to-water balance
What percentage of our bodies are made up of water?
What does lateral hypothalamus signal?
Hunger and thirst
Blood sugar
Produced when body breaks down fats from food
Released from fat cells as they grow
Ventromedial region of hypothalamus (VMH)
Signals satiety (fullness)
Dysfunction of Ventromedial hypothalamus
Can’t sense when the body is full
Prader-Willi syndrome
Unstoppable appetite - result of dysfunction in hypothalamus
Body weight set point
a weight that people return to (even after dieting or overeating)
How can body weight set point change
through permanent eating and exercise changes
Body mass index (BMI) over 30
Body mass index (BMI)
weight-to-height ratio
Causes of obesity
genetics, socioeconomic status, psychological regulation
Anorexia nervosa
Eating disorder - under eating
Anorexia nervosa treatment
Family therapy, nutritional counselling, hospitalization