Chapter 7-Early Childhood: Physical and Cognitive Development Flashcards
Growth Patterns
Ages from 2 to 6 years are referred to as early childhood or preschool years.
Physical growth is slower than in infancy
Height and Weight
Growth rate slows during preschool years
Development of the Brain
Brain develops more quickly than any other organ during childhood, needs nutrition
Brain is 75% of adult weight
Body weight is 1/5
Development of brain increase
Increases in brain size due to myelination of nerve fibres
Completion of myelination of neural pathways
Brain Development and Visual Skills
ages of 4 and 7 parts of the brain involved in ability to sustain attention and screen out distractions
Right handed individuals
left hemisphere- intellect requires logical analysis, problem solving and computation
Right hemisphere
Visual spatial functions (puzzles), aesthetic and emotional response
Plasticity of the Brain
Different parts of the brain have specialized functions; injury causes loss in fiction
Brains ability to compensate fro injuries to particular parts of the brain
When is plasticity at its greatest?
at 1 to 2 years of age; preschoolers with damage to language areas can overcome them due to plasticity
Sprouting- growth of new dendrites
Gross Motor Skills
Involves large muscles used in locomotion, like balancing on one foot,
What is crucial to postive life-long cognitive development?
Motor development
Physical Activity
preschools spend 25 hours or moe per week in large muscle activity, more physical play like grasping, banging, and mouthing objects
When does motor activity level decline?
after 2 to 3 years of age
Rough and Tumble Play
running, chasing, fleeing, wrestling, hitting with an open hand, laughing and making faces
not aggressive behaviour like hitting
helps develop physical and social skills
Active Parents have Active Children
protects against obesity
parents are role models
Fine motor skills involve what?
involve small muscles in manipulation and coordination, controlling of wrists and fingers
Development of drawing is related to what?
emerges during infancy
Major Illnesses
advances in immunixzation and development
How much does a toddler need to sleep?
12 to 14 hours, consisitency is important
lack of sleep can cause?
behavioural changes, aggressiveness, crying often and acting inapporopaitely
Sleep terrors?
more severe than nightmares, occur during sleep, due to any stressor, insomnia can develop, can wake with a surge in heart and respiration rates
occurs during sleep, onset age 4 to 8, rearranging toys, goes to the bathroom
elimination disorders
inability to control the bladder
nightime pee
lack of control over poopin
Jean Ligaments Preoperational stage
cognitive development last from ages 2-7
-uses symbols to represent objects
symbolic or pretend play
preoperationl children won’t look at someone else persepctive
know the nautical causes of an event but reasons are based on egocentriciakky and not science based
Transducitve reasoning
children reason by going from one specific isolated event to another
children attribute life and intentions to inanimate objects
children assume environmental faccrprs such as rain and thunder have been designed and made by people
two beakers the same, one taller one shorter even have the same volume
class inclusion
including new object or categories into broader classes so we can assoiciate into our brains
temporary support provided by parent or teacher, take it away as when you don’t need it
zone of proximal development
children teach a sibling how to do something
theory of mind
putting yourself in someone else shoes
origins of knowledge
appearance vs realty distinction
children need to learn real events versus fantasies
doesn’t occur til 7 or 8
3 years don’t understand what mental state they are ink, if hungry want milk they dint know that
when can children remember events from 1.5 years ago
age 4
autobbirgrpahical memiory
photographic memory
factors that impact memory?
parents, interestlvel, cue or reminders
memory stagey being repetion begins at 5, putting things into categories, might count or verballize info
language developemrt
preschool learns an average of 9 words a day
pratrcioal application of language
fast mapping
process where a child quickly attaches a new word to its appropriate concept
language and cognition
inner speech
palling and self regulation