Chapter 7: Client Intake and Assessment Flashcards
Client Intake Screen
This screen collects valuable subjective information and notes any red flags related to physical readiness, general lifestyle, and medical history.
Static Postural Assessment
Static postural assessment is a visual observation of the client’s posture when standing still.
Movement Assessments
Movement assessments are designed to evaluate a person’s dynamic posture, which refers to the structural alignment of the musculoskeletal system when the body is in motion.
Mobility Assessments
Mobility assessments are used to identify deficits in joint range of motion and help refine observations discovered in the static and movement assessments used with the client.
Static Posture
The starting point from which an individual moves.
Dynamic Posture
How an individual is able to maintain an erect posture while performing functional tasks or in motion.
Series of questions designed to determine if a person is ready to undertake more strenuous physical activity.
Breathing Pattern Dysfunction (BPD)
A collection of suboptimal breathing patterns that can cause overactivity of accessory breathing muscles.
Ad Libidum
Ad libitum translates to “as desired” and refers to eating or drinking as you are normally driven to.
An individual’s physical activities outside of the work environment.
Activities that an individual may partake in regularly but are not necessarily athletic in nature.
Ankle Sprain effect on the kinetic chain
Ankle sprains have been shown to decrease the neural control to the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles.
Knee injury effect on the kinetic chain
Knee injuries can cause a decrease in the neural control to muscles that stabilize the patellofemoral and tibiofemoral joints.
Shoulder injury effect on the kinetic chain
Shoulder injuries cause altered neural control of the rotator cuff muscles, which can lead to instability of the shoulder joint during functional activities.
Low Back injury effect on the kinetic chain
Low back injuries can cause reduced lumbar mobility, slower movement, and reduced proprioception.
Muscle Spasms
Involuntary contraction of muscles surrounding a joint that immobilize it in response to an injury.
Myofascial Adhesions
Knots in muscle tissue that can result in altered neuromuscular control.
S in SMART goals
M in SMART goals
A in SMART goals
R in SMART goals
T in SMART goals
Scope of Practice
The procedures and actions professionals are permitted to administer in accordance to state and national law.