Chapter 7 Flashcards
acquisition of new knowledge and skills that results in a relatively permanent change in behavior or mental processes
occurs through experience
what learning does not occur as a result of experience?
instincts and reflexes are innate
repeated or prolonged exposure to a sitmulus results in a gradual reduction in response
living by a train makes you less sensitive to the sounds of the train coming and going
presentatio fo a stimulus leads to an increased response to a later stimulus
if you have been robbed at night, you might be much more sensitive to noises at night that before
associative learning
form of learning that involves connecting certain stimuli that occur together in the environment
associative learning
classical conditioning
association between
* stimuli
* response
a type of learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus produces a response after being paired witha natural response-producing stimulus
associative learning
operant conditioning
association between
* behavior
* consequence
who discovered classical conditioning
Ivan Pavlov
russian physiologist who was studying salivation in dogs and accidentally conditioning
found that dogs were salivating in response to his footsteps or labcoat
classical conditioning
anything in the environment that is measurable and detectable
classical conditioning
emotional cognitive or behavioral reaction in response to a stimulus
unconditioned stimulus
a stimulus that reliably produces a naturally occurring response (reflexive response)
this stimulus natrually produces an unconditioned response
uncoditioned response
a reflexive reaction that is reliably produced by an unconditioned stimulus
neutral stimulus
a stimulus that does not initially elicit a response
when an organism learns to associated a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus
this is where learning begins
pavlov paired the dog food
conditioned stimulus
a previously neutral stimulus that produces a reliable response in an organism after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus
conditioned repsonse
a reaction that is reliably produced by a conditioned stimulus
second-order conditioning
using a condiditioned stimulus to a condition a neutral simulus
the gradual elimination of a conditioned response that occurs when the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus
little albert scenario
uncoditioned stimulus - loud noise
unconditioned response - fear and being startled
neutral stimulus -
conditioned stimulus - white rat
conditioned response - fear and startle response
stimulus generalization
operant conditioning
a type of learning in which the consequences of an organism’s behavior determine whether it will repeat that behvaior in the future
idea was developed by Edward Thorndike
law of effect
principle that behaviors that are followed by a “satisfying state of affairs” tend to be repeated, and those that produce an “unpleasant state of affairs” are less likely to be repeated
BF Skinner
the most famous figure associated with operant conditioned
defined operant behavior - behavior that has some impact on the environment (and whose likelihood of recurrence is influence by consequences)
developed the skinner box
conditioning chamber
also known as the “skinner box”
demonstrated operant conditioning in rats
any stimulus that increases the likelihood of behavior in the future
always promotes a behavior
any stimulus that decreases the likelihood of a behavior
always decreases a behavior
positive and negative in reinforcement
positive - means something is added
negative - something is removed
social learning theory
learning occurs through observation, limitation, and modleing and is influenced by factosr such as attention, motivation, attitudes, and emotions
mirror neurons are behind this type of learning
observational learning
a process in which an organism learns by watching others (called models)
there are vicarious consequences, which are consequences that occur to someone else but direct our own behavior
most often happens within the same species
mirror neurons
active we watch someone do something else
bobo doll study - albert bandura
study examining aggression and social learning
showed how 4 year olds model aggressive behavior based on social learning