Chapter 6.5 - Loading & Balance Flashcards
Loading and Balance limitations are used to identify what (2)?
- Centre of Gravity (CG) doesn’t not exceed its limit.
- Maximum Allowable Weight.
What does AEW/EW stand for?
- Aircraft Empty Weight.
- Empty Weight.
Define AEW/EW?
The weight of an Aircraft excluding all removable equipment.
Define Arm/Movement Arm?
The horizontal distance in millimetres from the CG datum to the CG of an item being loaded.
What does BEW stand for?
Basic Empty Weight.
Define BEW?
Empty Weight plus optional equipment.
What is meant as ‘optional equipment’ for BEW?
Total Engine Oil Weight.
True or False. A Cessna 172 does not include full Engine Oil in their Empty Weight?
What does CG stand for?
Centre of Gravity.
Define CG?
A point where the Aircraft would be balance if suspended at that point.
The Centre of Gravity Datum is also known as what?
Loading Reference Point.
Define Centre of Gravity Limits?
The most forward and rearward (aft) locations from the Centre of Gravity.
What does Aft mean?
Define Floor Loading Limits?
The maximum load a Cabin/Compartment can be loaded.
What does IU stand for?
Index Unit.
What two units are used in IU?
- kg – mm.
- lb – in.
Define Maximum Baggage Compartment Load and where can this be found (2)?
- The Maximum Weight that can be carried in the baggage compartment.
- Can be found in the Flight Manual.
What does SG stand for?
Specific Gravity.
Define SG?
The ratio of mass for volume of Fuel/Oil to the same volume of Water.
What is the SG for AVGAS?
Passengers and Baggage must be weighed for an Aircraft with less than how many seats?
True or False. Location of compartments can affect the Total Weight and Centre of Gravity?
If the CG is moved forward of the forward CG limit, the Aircraft will become difficult to control in which speed?
Low Speeds.
Which part of flight will be difficult to control the Aircraft, if the CG is moved forward of the forward CG limit?
If the CG is moved aft of the aft CG limit, what tendency will happen to the Tail/Nose and the Aircraft’s flight condition (3)?
- Tail goes down.
- Nose goes up.
- Aircraft becomes unstable and uncontrollable.
What does CWM and ACWM stand for (2)?
- Clockwise Moments.
- Anticlockwise Moments
Clockwise Moments must equal what?
Anticlockwise Moments.
How do you calculate CWM?
Sum of Weight(s), multiplied by the distance from Datum.
How do you calculate ACWM (without knowing CG point)?
Total Weight multiply by X.
What is X in ACWM?
Centre of Gravity Position (which is unknown yet).
High Loads go with what Arm?
Short Arm.
Low Loads go with what Arm?
Long Arm.
Where can you find the Centre of Gravity Datum?
Flight Manual.
What is the ‘Loaded Gross Weight’ of an Aircraft (4)?
- Empty Weight.
- Fuel Load.
- Pilot.
- Other Loads.
Define ‘Other Loads’ in the ‘Loaded Gross Weight’ of an Aircraft (2)?
- Passengers.
- Baggage/Cargo.
Which ‘Loaded Gross Weight’ are fixed (2)?
- Empty Weight.
- Pilot.
Which ‘Loaded Gross Weight’ are variables (3)?
- Fuel Load.
- Passengers.
- Baggage/Cargo.
What three separate possibilities have to be taken into account when finding/using the ‘Loaded Gross Weight’ of an Aircraft?
- All known Loads are crossed-checked with Maximum Takeoff Weight.
- Maximum Load available for Passengers/Baggage.
- Maximum Load available for Fuel.
Where can a Loading Graph be found?
Pilot’s Operating Handbook/Flight Manual.
Name the two axis of a Loading Graph?
- Load Weight (kg and lb).
- Load Moment/1000 (kg – mm / lb – in).
Name the five ‘Load Reference Lines’ found in a Loading Graph?
- Pilot and Front Passenger.
- Fuel.
- Rear Passengers.
- Baggage Area 1/Passenger on Child’s Seat.
- Baggage Area 2.
Name two types of ‘Centre of Gravity Envelope’ graphs?
- Weight vs Loaded Moment.
- Weight vs CG Position.
What calculations are used for the Centre of Gravity Envelope graphs (2)?
- Loaded Gross Weight.
- Loaded Moment.
When Loading a light Aircraft, a Pilot must check for a particular flight and given loads are what (2)?
- Limiting Weight is not exceeded.
- Centre of Gravity is within the Envelope.
When Loading a light Aircraft, a Pilot must determine for a particular flight what three aspects that can be carried?
- Maximum Fuel Load.
- Maximum Baggage Load.
- Maximum Passenger Load.
How do you find out the Moment (IU) of a particular weight?
Cross reference using the Loading Graph.
When carrying multiple passengers who should sit in the front row?
The heaviest.