chapter 63 vidlec part 1 Flashcards
A broad classification that includes any injury to the head as a result of trauma
head injury
Most common cause of TBIs is
Groups at highest risk for TBI include
0-4 y/o
15-19 y/o
65 above y/o
what is the best approach for head injury
consequence of direct contact to head/brain during the instant of initial injury
primary injury
what type of injury: contusions, lacerations, external hematomas, skull fractures, subdural hematomas, concussion, diffuse axonal
primary injury
what type of injury: damage evolves over ensuing days and hours after the initial injury
secondary injury
what type of injury: caused by cerebral edema, ischemia, ог chemical changes associated with the trauma
secondary injury
a bruising of the brain surface
a temporary loss of neurologic function with no apparent structural damage to the brain
a transient period of unconsciousness following A VIOLENT BLOW TO THE HEAD
involves localized bleeding and swelling in the brain tissue, which can lead to more severe complications
tend to bleed heavily and portals of infection
scalp wounds
ecchymosis behind the ear
battle signs
halo sign-ring of fluid around the blood stain from drainage
csf leak