Chapter 6 - War and Its Causes Flashcards
What’s the name of Huntington’s work and what did he argue? (3)
1) Clash of Civilizations
2) After Cold War, war no longer over ideology but religion and classes
3) Conflict is built into our social system and inevitable
What is Kaplan’s argument and his main work? (2)
1) The Coming Anarchy
2) State failure will destroy the state-based system rather than external factors
What are the 3 COW Categories?
1) Interstate Wars
2) Threats of Military Force
3) Extra-State Wars
What are 5 types of Interstate Wars?
1) General Wars (incl. most powerful states)
2) Hegemonic Wars (determine future hegemony)
3) Total War
4) Proxy War
5) Limited War (when not Great powers fight)
What is a extra-state war?
War between
1) national govt and
2) an entity
3) in a foreign territory
4) which is not an internationally recognised state
How many MID National War Initiations were there 1900-49 and 50-99 respectively? (2)
1) 2.8 per 100 Country-years
2) 0.6 per 100 country-years
What does Mueller argue?
Downwards trend in National War Initiations since 1949 raises doubts about realisms assumptions about war’s inevitability
What is the trend for Threats/use of violence recently? (2)
1) Less threats/use of violence since WWII but still considerable.
2) more often threats/display of force rather than use since 1990
What are 5 immediate causes of war?
1) Economic Resources
2) Policy Disagreements
3) Political Regimes
4) Ethnic Identity
5) Territory
What are 2 assumptions Realists make about state decisions to go to war?
1) States are rational actors (act rationally)
2) States are unitary actors (no internal dynamics)
What are 6 individual-level factors realists do not take account of in decision-making?
1) Misperceptions
2) Stress (can lead to misperceptions)
3) Motivated Biases
4) Groupthink (Janis)
5) Over-optimism (Blainey)
6) human nature loving war (Jünger)
What 2 factors explain the democratic peace thesis?
1) Institutional Constraints (Russet) (checks within system)
2) Normative Constraints (Owen) (beliefs/values in leaders)
What are 4 caveats to the democratic peace theory?
1) democracies still fight non-democracies
2) the underlying reasons for why it is true are uncertain
3) Civilian-based party-machines are as peaceful as democracies (Weeks)
4) Individual-level factors can still cause wars between democracies
What is the difference between patriotism and nationalism? (2)
1) Patriotism = absolute value assigned to one’s state
2) nationalism = relative value assigned to one’s state (Machida)
What is nationalism’s link to war? (2)
1) nationalists finds use of force to protect territory more acceptable (Machida)
2) nationalism is associated with higher propensity to launch inter-state wars (Schrock-Jacobson)
What is equality’s link to war? (1)
states with higher levels of gender equality use less military violence in military crises (Caprioli and Boyer)
What are the 2 views on anarchy’s relation to war?
1) permissive: gives free reins to individual and state level factors (Waltz)
2) propellant: anarchy positively causes war (Fearon)
What are 2 factors causing anarchy to be a propellant of war?
1) Private information problem (states overstate resolve and capability)
2) Commitment Problem (fear of future power of adversaries - strike now)