Chapter 4 - Analysis of Foreign Policy Flashcards
What is the difference between IR and Foreign Policy (2)?
1) IR: focus on state interactions
2) FP: focused on domestic decision-making processes
What do realists focus on in Foreign Policy analysis (1)?
Objective factors (geography, relative capabilities) shape policies and objectives
What do liberalists focus on in foreign policy analysis (1)?
Domestic realities (domestic politics and economics)
What do Marxists focus on in foreign policy analysis? (1)
Economic dynamics between classes
What do constructivists focus on in foreign policy analysis? (1)
Narratives, ideas, norms and strategic cutlure
What do feminists focus on in foreign policy analysis? (1)
Power hierarchies and roles of gender
What are Instruments of Persuasion?
Instruments used by govts trying to achieve foreign policy objectives by persuading foreign actors to act in certain ways
What are 2 examples of Instruments of Persuasion?
1) Diplomacy (classical or public)
2) Incentives (Economic or general)
What are Instruments of Coercion?
Instruments used by govts trying to coerce a foreign actor to act in a certain way
What are 6 examples of Instruments of Coercion?
1) Economic Sanctions
2) Propaganda
3) Covert Operations
4) Cyber Operations
5) Coercive Diplomacy (actions short of war)
6) Military Force
Example of economic sanctions being effective (1)
S.AFR end apartheid after econ sanctions were imposed
Example of economic sanctions being INeffective (1)
N.KOR maintains nuclear programme despite severe long-term sanctions
Individual-level Sources of Foreign Policy (3)
1) Leaders with well-established personalities (Hudson)
2) Leaders affected by prior actual/historical experiences (Record)
3) Leaders acting on mental short-cuts (Fiske)
State-level Sources of Foreign Policy (4)
1) Institutions and politics within national govt
2) Dynamics between executives and legislatures
3) Societal actors and public opinion
4) Bankers?
International-level sources of Foreign Policy (3)
1) Geography
2) Relative level of Econ Development
3) Relative national capabilities (international influence)
4 Potential Reasons Hussein went to war in 1991?
1) Hussein’s personality (aggressive/paranoid)
2) Misperception and Groupthink (US bluff? and scared advisors)
3) National Econ distress (oil)
4) Geopolitical opportunism (leader of arab world)
Individual-level causes of CHANGE in FP (2)
1) Leadership learning (constructivist)
2) Leadership turnover (liberals)
State-level causes of CHANGE in FP (2)
1) Domestic regime change (democracy or not?)
2) NGOs and interest groups (liberal and cosntructivist) (keck)
International-level causes of CHANGE in FP (3)
1) External Shocks (constructivists) (external interventions)
2) Changes in relative power (but lag effect)
3) development of IOs
What is Strategic Culture? (1)
A State’s self-image and reputation shaped by historical differences determines how it acts internationally
What is Relative (National) Capability?
A State’s ability to influence others to act in certain ways