Chapter 12 - Non-State Actors & Challenges to Sovereignty Flashcards
What is the Copenhagen School of Security Studies? (3)
1) by Wæver
2) ‘Security’ is a speech act, and thus a piece of rhetoric used to get attention, mobilize resources, and legitimize extraordinary measures
3) Constructivist approach
What are 6 New Postmodern Security Challenges?
1) Technology (RAS, IA)
2) Information (Big Data, Fake News, SoME)
3) Hybrid Warfare (conventional and unconventional)
4) Terrorism
5) Migration
6) Climate Change
How is tech a new security challenge? (2)
1) How does it impact the rules of warfare and the killing of humans?
2) Its development is driven by non-state actors (Webb)
How is Information a new security challenge? (4)
1) Misinformation
2) Financial and political powers in the hands of tech MNEs
3) Social media addiction
4) Algorithmic bias (and effect on civil rights)
What is hybrid warfare?
A combination of conventional warfare (military) and unconventional warfare (suicide bombs, SoMe, little green men)
How are characteristics of modern terrorism? (4)
1) Loose networks rather than organizational hierarchies
2) transnational (not localized)
3) Targetted at civilians/public displays (not buildings, leaders, mil)
4) Fluid distinction between foreign and homegrown terrorists (Baudrillard)
How is Migration a security challenge? (2)
1) Challenges legitimacy of border control
2) challenges national identity
How is climate change a security challenge? (3)
1) how do we get countries to bind themselves
2) Who will pay?
3) changing consumer behaviour
What does Kagan propone? (2)
1) “Hammer-nail-conundrum”
2) EUR argue US’s military power makes every problem look like it can be solved with it
What does Khanna argue? (2)
1) EUR is a metrosexual power: redefines what ‘powerful’ means
2) Soft power has an increasingly important role in the world
What is a Weak State? (3)
1) Functioning central govt
2) weak control over territory and borders
3) non-functioning tax system, police, military, or public services
Causes of State Weakness? (2)
1) Ethnic or religious devisions (LEB)
2) corrupt/incompetent govts failing to remove challengers to authority (MEX)
What is a Failed State? (2)
1) “Where the basic functions of the state are no longer performed” (Zartman)
2) Often failure in ability to enforce order (insurgents, secession, uncontrolled areas)
What are 3 examples of Weak/Failed States?
1) AFG
2) N.SUD and S.SUD
3) COL
How does State Weakness/Failure impact the international system? (3)
1) Piracy
2) Terrorism
3) Migration
What are 4 Motivations for terrorism?
1) Secession (Chechnya)
2) Overturning Capitalism (EUR in 19th cent)
3) Ending occupation of home country (Al Qaeda)
4) Create trans-state caliphate
How to deal with terrorism? (2)
1) Bush admin: Terrorists feel threatened by US liberty. Impose democracy and RoL in their domestic states –> kill
2) Pape terrorists are motivated by foreign occupations (9/11). Presence in M.East must be reduced.
What is the privatization of war? (1)
Non-state actors have grown in power due to technological developments (money, communication, weapons)
What are 3 concepts thrown into doubt by privatization of war?
1) Deterrence
2) Alliances
3) Self-Defence (Art 51 UN Charter)
How did Kofi Annan argue for a redfinition of sovereignty? (2)
1) Sovereignty implies responsibility rather than absolute power
2) the UN charter protects the sovereignty of peoples over sovereignty of states
What is R2P? (3)
1) Responsibility to protect
2) obligation(?) on states to intervene to prevent genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity
3) 2005 World Summit Outcome Document
How does realism view the future of the nation state? (3)
1) nation states will remain dominant actors
2) states have overcome their challenges in the past
3) states have advantages over other actors (taxation, nationalism, most effective protective organization)
How does Liberalism view the future of the nation-state? (2)
1) States will remain but decrease in importance
2) states will increasingly have to cooperate with other states and non-state actors to achieve security/prosperity
How does Marxism view the future of the Nation-state? (1)
International capitalist class will grow in influence to constrain control of states
How does Constructivism view the future of the Nation-state? (2)
1) depends on loyalty to nation state
2) will cosmopolitanism/supranationalism increase or will populism?