Chapter 14 - Facing the Future: 6 Visions Flashcards
What are Rumsfeld’s 3 categories of knowns?
1) Known knowns
2) Known Uknowns
3) Unknown unknowns
What are 6 potential Models for the Future?
1) Geo-economic Competition
2) Multipolarity
3) Bipoliarity
4) Democratic Peace
5) Clash of Civilizations
6) Global Fracture
What are 5 characteristics of a Geo-economic competition?
1) ECON great power competition
2) Economic nationalism
3) Competing blocks
4) National Champions
5) Marxist connections between capitalists and states
What 4 trends support the geo-economic competition model?
1) Formation of econ blocs (NAFTA, ASEAN plus Three, AIIB, weak WTO)
2) Competition for natural resources in non-blocs (US intervention in Iraq, CHI FDI and relations in AFR + C.Asia)
3) Business-Govt relations (JAP, EUR, CHI, US after 2008)
4) Regional economic competition (US-CHI)
4 Trends undermining the Geo-economic competition Model
1) MNEs
2) Econ relations as positive sum game
3) Open regional blocs (APEC, EU, MNEs)
4) Eroding regionalism (Brexit, Trump reneg NAFTA)
What are 4 characteristics of Multipolarity?
1) Military Great Power competition
2) Multiple Great Powers (US; CHI, RUS, INDI, JAP, GER)
3) Flexible Alliances
4) Limited Wars
What are 2 trends supporting Multipolarity?
1) Soft balancing (states constraining US politically/diplomatically; SCO)
2) Growing Multipolarity (RUS –> GEO and UKR; CHI –> South China Sea)
What are 3 trends undermining multipolarity?
1) Other great powers? (RUS undeveloped econ, CHI growing unequal and old)
2) Flexible alliances?
3) Limited wars in nuclear era?
What are 4 characteristics of Bipolarity?
1) 2 dominating states (US-CHI?)
2) foreign policy focused on the other
3) Competing ideologies
4) Alliances to form blocs
What are 4 trends supporting the Bipolarity model?
1) US anticipation (the Quad, submarine deal, relations to VIE, INDI)
2) CHI anticipation (TAI, South China sea, BRI, FDI in M.East and AFR)
3) Decoupling
4) Points of tension (soc/pol systems, TAI, E.CHISEA, S.CHISEA)
What are 4 trends underminin the Bipolarity model?
1) CHI superpower? (plateauing growth and aging)
2) is hostility a necessity? (interdependence, blocs?)
3) not clear battle of ideology? (capitalism)
4) no nuclear arms race
What are 4 characteristics of Democratic Peace?
1) Demo will continue to spread
2) Democracies do not fight (citizens not want, credibility, values)
3) Global Security Community
4) Supported by capitalism and interdependence
What are 2 trends support the Democratic Peace?
1) Correlation between peace and democracy (Levy)
2) Democracy is spreading (40% 1987 - 63% 2008)
What are 4 trends undermining the Democratic Peace?
1) Will demo spread? (RUS/CHI, illiberal demo, reversible)
2) Peace of demo? (demo led to Hamaz and Hezbollah)
3) Transitioning countries are most war-prone (Mansfield)
4) The theory has not been properly tested (demo is new)
What are 4 characteristics of Clash of Civilizations?
1) Driver of conflict is cultural difference (Huntington)
2) Civilizations incl. religion, culture, ethnicity, language
3) Civilizations: Sino-centric, Western, Muslim, Hindu, Orthodox Christian, Sub-Saharan AFR (latin amer?)
4) Civilizations clash over different universal values
4 Trends supporting clash of civilizations?
1) YUG: CRO (West); SER (Orth.), BOS (Mus)
2) INDI-PAK: Kashmir (Mus)
3) 9/11: attack on West (capitalism and secular modernity)
4) War on terrorism (islamic fundamentalists)
3 Trends undermining Clash of Civilizations?
1) civilizations = coherent political units? (KOR, VIE, CHI? GRE, BUL ROM Orth?)
2) is conflict a necessity? (JAP-US, globalization)
3) Most conflicts between same civ. (Gurr)
What are 4 characteristics of Global Fracture?
1) Premodern World (failed and weak states)
2) Modern world (national interests, military competition, power balancing)
3) Post-Modern World (cooperation for peace and prosperity, civilian great powers)
4) Cooper
3 Trends supporting the Global Fracture?
1) Pre-Modern: SOM, AFG, SYR
2) Modern: Iran, ISR, RUS
3) Post-Modern: EU
3 Trends undermining the Global Fracture
1) Connections across categories (migration, humanitarian intervention, terrorism)
2) Postmodernism as residue of protection from modern states
3) What is role of great powers in model? (sphere of influence?)