Chapter 13 - The Environment and IR Flashcards
What are externalities? (1)
Costs/benefits not reflected by a good’s price
What are 2 problems with negative externalities?
1) unfair for third parties carrying the cost
2) no incentive for the producer to limit the externality
What is the Tragedy of the Commons? (2)
1) Hardin
2) economic self-interest combined with finite resources shared by multiple people will deplete the resource if unregulated
What is an example of a negative externality?
CAN suffering from acid rain caused by US polution
What is an example of the tragedy of the commons?
What are 4 negative DIRECT consequences of climate change?
1) Decline in snowpacks in W.USA –> negative impacts for fish populations, hyrdropower, water availability
2) Flooding of BANG
3) Severe frequent droughts in AFR
4) Agriculture and access to food in AFR severely limited
What are 4 negative INDIRECT consequences of climate change?
1) refugee flows
2) risk of conflict over resource scarcity
3) civil disorder
4) Civil wars spilling over borders
What is environmental determinism, and how should we view it? (2)
1) the view that climate change inevitably leads to certain human reactions
2) consequences will depend on how world leaders deal with climate change (Salehyan)
Who’s causing climate change? (4)
1) Non-OECD conutries increase emissions and emit more than OECD countries who have stable emissions
2) CHI, BRA, INDI: projected to increase emissions substantially by 2035 compared with US, JAP, rest of world
3) by 2035 US will still emit as much CO2/capity as CHI, BRA, INDI combined
4) 2035: CHI will have caught up to developed world (Co2/capita) but INDI, BRA will still be far below
What is ozone depletion? (2)
1) Chlorofluorocarbons depleting ozone layer
2) this means more ultraviolet radiation from sun harming humans and plants
What types of threats do the world’s water resources face? (5)
1) contamination of fresh water resources
2) Oil pollution in Oceans
3) Overfishing
4) Commercial killing of Whales
5) Killing of Dolphins in tuna fishing
Which type of state is most likely to deforest? (2)
1) States neither fully democratic, nor fully autocratic (Buitenzorgy)
2) no ability to regulate, and no pathways for lobbying (Shandra)
How did US promote the preservation of dolphins? (2)
1) Marine Mammal Preservation Act 1972: dolphin killing quotas
2) impose embargo on MEX tuna (GATT ruling in MEX favour not pursued)
How did countries stop ozone layer depletion? (2)
1) 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
2) Worldwide CFC use down by 95%
How do Constructivists view the Montreal Protocol? (2)
1) achieved due to consensus about real and imminent risk
2) consensus amongst developing-developed contries to aid the former in transitioning (grace period and grants)
How do Realists view the Montreal Protocol? (2)
1) US used econ power to facilitate the conclusion
2) upon negotiation stalemates US threaten to ban foreign CFC products
What is the GEF? (3)
1) Global Environmental Facility
2) WB project providing grants to developing countries to help meet legal environmental obligations
3) Liberalism: GER is instrumental in making developing countries accept international legal obligations
What is the Paris Agreement? (1)
States undertaken non-binding obligation to announce Nationally Determined Contributions
What factors do realists see as important for a succesful climate change agreement? (3)
1) Costs of not reaching agreement
2) Not too low relative gains
3) participation/leadership of the Great Powers
What factors do constructivists see as important for a succesful climate change agreement? (3)
1) State leaders must believe to have national interests in agreement
2) shared ideas about causes and ways of limiting climate change
3) shared ideas about developed states’ responsibility to bear costs
What factors do liberalists see as most important for a succesful climate change agreement? (3)
1) If main countries were democracies consensus would be easier as to a solution and responsibility of developed countries
2) Democracies would make more effective use of externally provided resources
3) democracies would enhance chances of develoeped countries helping developing countries